Chapter 15 - A Show For Vic Omma

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It's the day of the show. After a huge help from fellow JYP Nation, my boss, Min Jae hyung, 2PM boys, my F(X) daughters, I can held this show tonight. Min Jae hyung and Jin Young hyung booked the Seoul City Hall and leave it the rest of arrangement to me. 2PM boys and my daughters are a huge help. They even prepare their own arrangement for me and Vic while I'm away to Qingdao. I left Qingdao with a much more warm heart. After explaining to my in laws, and they really accepted me well, I feel like maybe this is my fate. Wooyoung and Sulli did report to me about the preparation and they said, it's all done. I prepared my own contribution for the show, thought I could make it really special for my Vic. This is an open show for everyone who already gave their love for me and my make believe wife. They're our strength to stand this problem. Maybe people think it's only to gain the whole world affection for us, but for me it's more than that. I wanted to make a rendezvous about what I had the past 8 months with Vic. The happiness I felt for all this time. I want to show Vic that I love her. It's about time to start the show. Many fans are already inside the city hall and this is beyond my imagination. IT'S ALL PACKED WITH FANS WITH KHUNTORIA BANNERS. I feel my eyes burn as I try to suppress my tears. They all yelling "Khuntoria" all the time. I really love the name that they gave us. KHUNTORIA.

The show starts. The big screen played the pictures of Khun and Vic's childhood and predebut and also fan arts from Khuntorians. Wooyoung and Sulli as the host and commentators already up on stage and getting ready to open the show. As soon as the slideshows end, Wooyoung and Sulli come to the center of the stage and greet the fans.

"Annyeonghaseyo !!", they both greeted.

"Thank you for coming to today", Wooyoung said, "For we all know, this show is made by Nichkhun for you, the very loyal Khuntorians and to his dear make believe Victoria"

"And for all we know, they already opened about their relationship", Sulli adds. "Many comments and even hated comments hit them"

"This is a casual show. You can do whatever you want. But first, shall we take a look at the big screen again ?", Wooyoung says.

"It's WGM Khuntoria marathon and we're gonna be the commentators, you guys can also comments. But first, please welcome our man of the night, Nichkhun Horvejkul !!!", Sulli says.

And then Nichkhun with his shy gesture enters the stage and bow then greet the audience. "Annyeonghaseyo !!!", then he sits next to Sulli and Wooyoung.
The big screen starts to show the video from their first meeting.
It's the part where, Vic reminisces about their meeting at Star King.

"Whoaaa...first meeting", says Wooyoung. "Hyung, what did you feel back then ?" "I felt something different", Khun answers. "She stared at me and I can feel it" "Did she caught your attention back then ?", Sulli cuts.
Khun nods. "Yeah, I asked her about her splits, asked if she felt hurt after split" "Aaaahhh... okay, floor, any question ?", Wooyoung throws to the audience.

"Did you know then that you'll be fall in love with the girl next to you ?", asks a fan.

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