Chapter 20 - I'm In Love

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Khun and Vic are sitting on the couch at their WGM house. They have been staying at the house for 2 days since Sherleen and Nichchan went back to Bangkok. They decided to live together as a real couple. The Ahjussi and Ahjumma of the house were very welcome to them and let them stay for as long as they like. They even made a barbeque party together last night.

"Oh, johahaeyo...Sitting on a couch, with you, Appa, sipping a cup of tea in this cheerful morning. What else do I need in this life ?", Vic says as she leans to her boyfriend that also her make believe husband.

Khun let out a grin, he pats his make believe wife's head and leans to her, "You know, Omma. I think I'm a very lucky guy in this world. Having a big family, having such a promising career, having such a great wife like you. What else do I need in this life ?"

Vic smiles and hugs his waist as if she won't let him go, "I'm so happy to have you, Appa".

After their praising each other, Khun sips his coffee and he remember the most important mission that should be think about fast.

"Oh yeah, about our wedding, Omma. Any place you have in mind to held the ceremony ?", Khun

asks Vic as he kisses her forehead.

Vic thinks about it for a while, and then she smiles as she found a perfect spot for the ceremony.

"How bout Jeju Island, Appa ? That place means a lot to us. We both confessed our loves there", She says. Khun nods, he thinks about her idea, and then adds, "Hmm, I'm thinking about a beach ceremony. What do you think, Omma ?".

Vic's eyes grow bigger just like bunny eyes straight away after hearing it, "Wonderful idea, Appa ! Let's tell our parents !"

Then both of them pick their phones and dial their parents. Chinese meets Thai wedding.


Both parents agree with our idea. They're preparing for coming to Seoul first and then head together to Jeju Island. Vic, with the help of the F(X) daughters, prepares for the ticketing for big family (2 families, F(X) daughters, 2PM boys, managers). Vic also busies with her CFs and her comeback with F(X). We did many CF together recently, showing the image of married couple. There's nothing to worry about now. The whole world knew our relationship, and thank God, they're being really supportive to us.

"Khunnie, finally, you're really going to marry soon", Min Jae hyung says as we are having lunch together. We eat Bulgogi today, our manager is having a desperate need of this food.

I laugh, "Yeah, hyung. You have to find your own too now". I bite my Bulgogi and eat the rice.

Min Jae hyung laughs and drink his tea right away. I bet he choke for a while.

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