Chapter 11 - We're Really Dating Now

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Khun takes Vic back to her dorm, and they continue their discussion in the living room.

"Ottohke ? with my condition now, I perfectly can't force myself again. I have to vacuum from F(x)", She says to him. They're on the couch and sitting awkwardly even next to each other. The kids is away, and they left note that they went to the mall.

"I want you to take good care of your self. I don't want anything happen to you and our baby", he says, as he hugs her waist and pulls her closer to him.

As she leans her self to his chest, tears starts to roll down on her cheeks.

"What about my company ? what will they do to me if they found out about us ? and even more about my pregnancy ?", She can't imagine what will happen to her.

"I'll face your company", Khun says. He wants to proof that he's the perfect man for him, and

wants her to trust him completely. "I did this to you. And as your husband, I shall face it all"

"I'm soo scared right now. I even can't tell my parent. What will they do if they know about this ?", she grabs to his shirt as if she doesn't want to loose him.

"Shushh...don't be afraid, Omma", he calms her down, hugging her shoulder and holds her hand tightly.

"Yaksukhakke (I promise), I'll be right by your side, yeongwoni (forever)", he says.

Not a while after that, Khun's phone ring. It's from Seo Min Jae, his manager.

"Yeoboseyo ? Hyung, waeyo ?", he asks.

"Khun-ah, can you come to the company now ? We got a problem", Min Jae said.

Khun froze on his seat but he still force himself to answer, "Okay, I'll be there, hyung" then he hang up. He still froze on his seat, it makes Vic think something is happening.

"Appa, what's wrong ?", She touches his cheek and rub it gently. Yet Khun still not moving.

"You have to tell me, what's wrong !", she forces him to speak, but Khun only gives her a smile.

"It's nothing, Omma. Min Jae hyung only needs me for a CF meeting", he answers calmly, trying to hide his nervousness. Seo Min Jae didn't tell him the problem, but he did sense that it's about him, and probably, about Vic too. And Khun decided that he'd rather finished the problem by himself, as now he has the responsibility for it.


He's keeping something from me. I can feel it. But he didn't want to tell me. Is it about us ?. I don't like this feeling. I'm keeping secret from my f(X), manager oppa, my parent, and even Khun's parent. And if we still keep this secret from everyone, for how long ? Soon, they'll know the truth and my body will definitely explain it. And I can't keep any secret from the kids. Especially Luna, she seems noticing this problem now. Oh, ottohke ?.

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