Hello Auradon

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I sat between Evie and Jay. Jay and Carlos immediately fighting over the stock of colorful candy. I felt a tap on my shoulder,

"Can I do your makeup?" Evie asked.

"Fine, but make it fast." While Evie did my makeup, I grabbed a bag that was labeled Jolly Ranchers. I opened them and grabbed a random one. DELICIOUS!!!!! I placed the rest in my bag cause I don't wanna share them. After Evie finished up I sat back and looked over my new spell book.

"Whatcha reading, N?" Jay asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Looking for ways I can make you less annoying, Jay." He only smiled at me and laughed. We looked at each other for a bit before Carlos interrupted.

"Woah. These! It's salty like nuts, but it's sweet like- I don't know what!" Carlos showed us.

"Let me see." Carlos opened his mouth wide to see the gross candy he has consumed. I smacked him in the forehead with my book. Jay took the candy from Carlos and ate it.

"Look!" Evie yelled. I looked out the window to see there was no bridge.

"It's a trap!" Carlos screamed. We all screamed, I helped onto Jay, wait for something to happen, but nothing came.

"What just happened?" I looked out the window again to see the bridge was shimmering gold.

"It must be magic!" Evie excitedly jumped up and down.

"Hey! Did this little button just open up the magic barrier." Mal asked the driver.

"No, this one opens the magic barrier and that one opens my garage," The driver explained as he held another remote ."And this button..." he pushed a button that made a black window block us from talking to him anymore. Mal looked at us.

"Ok. Nasty, I like that guy." I laughed and grabbed another Jolly Rancher. I sat back and waited, until I saw a sign that said 'WELCOME TO AURADON PREP, Goodness doesn't get any better.' People started to follow the limo while holding up flags. Carlos picked up a blue towel and rubbed it against his face.

"It's so soft..."

"Lemme see!" Jay tried snatching the towel, but Carlos refused to let go. Suddenly the door opened and Carlos fell out with Jay still holding on to the towel.

"Let go, it mine! You got everything else why do you want whatever this is?!"

"Cause you want it!"

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Mal got their attention. Three people walked towards us, a boy, a girl, and an older woman.

"We have an audience. Now get up before I cut your tongues off!!" I hissed. I stood next to Mal and Evie.

"Just cleaning up." Jay picked up Carlos

"Leave it like you found it," A woman sung. "And by that I mean just leave it."

Jay tossed the stuff back in.

"Hello Foxy..." Jay flirted. I rolled my eyes at him and looked around. "The names... Jay." I heard the girl gave a fake laugh.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep," the woman said. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress."

That got my attention.

"The Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked

"As in Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo?" I asked.

"Bibbidi Bobbidi, you know it." I gave her a fake smile and laugh.

"I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just... appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand and warm smile" Fairy Godmother looked at Mal in awe. "... and sparkly wand!" I smacked Mal for her to shut up.

"Oh, that was a long time ago, and as I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future." Fairy Godmother said while making hand gestures. A boy walked forward with a smile.

"Its so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben--"

"Prince Benjamin, soon to be king." Evie smiled and walked forward.

"You had me at prince, my mom is a queen, which makes my a princess."

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and, neither do you." The girl in the ugly pink dress said. I was gonna attack her, but Evie and Jay held me back.

"This is Audrey-"

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend, right Benny-boo?" Ben didn't answer. This is gonna be good...

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