Sword Fight

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I stood next to Mal as she grabbed some books while Evie got ready to leave for her next class.

"Bye Mal, bye Lette." Evie said.

"Bye." Mal and I said in sync. I looked over my spell book and tried to find ways to turn people into toads. Marcella sat on my shoulder.

"Those kids are trouble." I heard someone say.

"Come on, Chad. You gotta get to know them, I like them, especially Nicolette, she seems nice." I heard Riley say, which made me roll my eyes. Definitely like her mother...

"Who seems nice?" Someone asked, I turned my head to see the boy who smiled at me that the field.

"Gavin, tell your sister that the daughter of the woman who tried to kill your mother and father, is not nice." Audrey said. She is digging her grave right now.

"Riley, your always so nice to people. You don't know this girl, she probably can turn into a dragon just like her mother. Probably ruin everyone's happy ending." The boy, Gavin said. He's digging his grave as well.

"No offence, Bennybear, but your just too trusting I know your mom fell in love with a big, nasty beast who turned out to be a prince! But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy, that girl's mother!" Audrey gestures to Mal.

"And Riley, our mother was pushed into another world just so that girl's mother could stay queen."

"Well I like her! And Ben and I think you're wrong. They deserve a second chance." Riley said one last time.

"No, they don't!" Gavin said loud enough for Mal and I to look at him, but we turned back around.

"We gotta go." Ben said. I heard footsteps walking towards us.

"Hey." I turned to see Ben, Riley, and Gavin. Great! Not.

"Hey." Mal said back.

"How was your first day?" Ben asked, more to Mal then me.

"Super." Mal and I said sarcastically.

"Hi, I'm Gavin." Gavin introduced, while looking at me.

"Nicolette, but I guess you wouldn't care since I'm the daughter of the woman was pushed your mother to another world just my mother could stay queen." I said bitterly, Marcella hissed at him. Gavin opened his mouth, but words never came out.

"You should really think about taking this tag off the locker and into art class. I can sign you up. And you too Nikki." Ben changed the subject, I gave him a look.

"No thanks. Drawing is more Mal's thing. I'm more of an athletic person." I answered back. Ben looked at me then back at Mal.

"What do you think?" Ben asked.

"Way to take all the fun out of it!" Mal said. I guess you can say they were flirting with each other.

"Oh, get a room, you two!" I mocked them. I looked at Gavin, but he just gave me a smile. I started to feel uncomfortable,

"Sorry, got go, bye!" I walked away but felt someone follow me. Marcella let out another hiss.

"Nicolette, wait!" I turned around to see Gavin follow me.

"What do you want?" I kept walking, not wanting to stop again.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I wanted to apologize." He stood in front of me.

"That's cool. I don't care, though." I tried walking away but he grabbed my hand.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said. Really, let me make it up to you."

"Listen, I don't care about what you said. Now, can you let my hand go?" I said gesturing to my hand that he still held. He finally let go.

"I promise to make it up to you, I want us to be friend." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I walked away, leaving him in the hall.

I was making my way back to my dorm when I heard the sound of swords hitting each other. Ha! Maybe someone is about to get hurt! I walked back to the sound to see through the window people around watching two others fight. The door suddenly opened, and I fell right on the floor Marcella fell off my shoulder, but I managed to catch her. I looked up slowly to see everyone staring at me.

"Well, what do we have here?" A man with dreadlocked hair, goatee, red bandanna, a pirate hat and boots. I stood up and decided to walk away, but the man shut the door.

"Ah, ah, ah, no one leaves the room without a good sword fight, lassie. You can leave if you fight my best student.."

"Listen sir, I really don't want hurt your boys here. Back where I come from, I'm the best." I smirking and grabbed a random sword. "But I've been bored since I've arrived so let's do this."

"Deal." He smirked and bowed his head. As I walked forward he took the sword from me.

"Since where you come from you don't follow the rules, you'll be fighting with wooden staff." He handed me a staff and waved his hand for a boy to come up.

"Eddie." We get into first position.

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I hit him hard but managed not too much to knock him out.

"Where did you learn moves like that?" Dreadlocks asked.

"My last boyfriend was a pirate." I asked, throwing the staff back to the boy I took it from. "What's your name lassie?" Dreadlocks asked.


"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." He tipped his hat.

"How funny, one of my ex-boyfriends was the son of Blackbeard."

"I'm sure he was, how would you like to join my class?" I was about to answer was a blonde boy shouted,

"What?! You can't just let someone in without a tryout!"

"I don't believe I asked for your opinion. And that was a tryout, so what do you say?"

"No." I said simply.

"No?! What do you mean no?!!"

"I have my important things to do then join a club." Sparrow was a about to say something, but the guy I fought with beat him to it.

"Don't worry sir, she's joining." He put his arm around me, but I pushed it off and hit him in the gut.

"And what makes you think I will?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, I'm sure my dad would encourage you to spend time with your nephew." He wore a smirk on him face, then it hit me.

"Your dad is Edward, isn't he?" He smiled and gave a princely bow.

"Edward Jr, you can call me Eddie, at your service Aunt Nicolette." He mocked, I rolled my eyes.

"If I join will you stop calling me that?" He nodded. "Fine, I'll join."

"Great, practice is everyday and you will be getting your own team jacket." Sparrow tossed me an ugly yellow and blue jacket.

"This is gonna knew some major work." I muttered while looking at the jacket. The bell rang and I quickly walked out.

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