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"Hey, wait up?" I turned around to see my nephew, Eddie following quickly behind me. Why is everyone suddenly following me? I thought. I turned back and kept walking. I felt a hand on my shoulder and stopped.

"For a girl in heels, you walk pretty fast." He said while catching his breath.

"Do you need something?" I asked him sarcastically, but I guess he took it literally.

"Well, I just wanted to get to know you, my dad said you would probably deny that we are related, and probably of our existence."

"Looks like he's right for once." I tried to leave, but he stopped me by grabbed my arm. Honestly, why do people keep grabbed my arm and get me to stop!

"Look, I'm just falling my dad's wishes, so you didn't have to be a witch about it." He snapped.

"Wow, a sixteen year old still having to listen to mommy and daddy. "I mocked." You must be the favorite child, huh? Probably had a nice life, while me and my friends did what we could to create our reputation. Yours was probably handed to you on a silver platter." You might think I'm being a bit mean, but that just how I was raised.

"Ok, I get that you and your friends were raised differently, but now you're in Auradon for a second chance."

"I don't need a second chance, according to people here, I don't deserve a second chance. And you know what, I'm tired of people saying that. It's getting annoying."

"You would have thought of that differently if you had just expected our proposal years ago." He muttered, thinking I wouldn't here him.

"What proposal?" I asked, he saw the confused look on the face.

"You mean you didn't know?"

"Know what?" I asked.


"Hey Eddie!" We turned around to see the blonde boy from sword fighting class. He looked at me with a disgust look on his face.

"Hey Perri. Nicolette, this is my friend Perri Northwest. Perri, this is my aunt Nicolette." (Any Gravity Falls fans out there, give me a HIGH-SIX!!!!)

"Is this your boyfriend, Eddie?" I mocked. Eddie rolled his eyes and Perri blushed red.

"W-whatever... Eddie, the guys wanna know if your still coming to the batting cages." While they were talking, I managed to sneak away to my next class. I smirked when I heard my name being called out.


Science, or something like that was my next class. I walked in as Evie walked out.

"Good luck." She said. I smiled and made my way to a random seat. The class started to pile in, most people started to avoid sitting next to me. And by most I meant girls, boys on the other hand tried surrounding me. It's not like I even care, I took out my spell book to try and find ways to take the wand.

"Can I sit here?" I looked up to see a 12 year old boy. Before I could answer he sat down and continued to smile at me. I just looked back at my book.

"Whatcha reading?" I looked back at the boy in annoyance.

"A book?"

"Yeah, I can see that, but what about?" This kid was getting on my nerves.

"Shouldn't you be in daycare, kid?" I snapped. Before he could talk again, the bell rang. It's been thirty-two minutes. Every time the teacher opens him mouth all I hear in blah blah-blah, blah-blah. And every time he would ask a question and little kid next to me would always answer it.

"Nicolette!" I snapped out of my head and looked at Mr. Delay.

"Why is it that villain kids aren't paying attention in my class?"

"Cause this class is boring?" I answered, making everyone else laugh.

"First Evie and now you. Can you tell me what the atomic weight of silver is? Your friend Evie answered it, maybe you can too, surely you were listening to the lecture." I huffed, and stood up from my seat.

"Tell me Mr. Delay, when in any part of my life am I ever gonna to need to know the atomic weight of silver? It's like in math, when am I ever going to need pythagorean theorem? And you telling me that I'm not listening, offense me. Are you calling me dumb, Mr. Delay? Is that it? I don't appreciate your attitude, sir. Maybe you should go reevaluate your life, thank you very much!" The class was silent for a bit, which made me smirk and go back to reading.

"Right-- well... class dismissed!" Mr. Delay finally spoke.

"But sir it's only 20 minutes til the bell and--" Some guy pointed out.

"Class dismissed!! I need to go and reevaluate your life..." Everyone quickly bolted to the door. I walked to my room when I felt like someone follow me. I turned around to see the young boy from class.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely, but I didn't really care.

"Manipulating people isn't very nice and it isn't gonna get people to trust you." I turned to him full and gave him my 'sarcastically knowing' look

"Why should I care? Better yet, why do you care?"

"It could be an influence on me and my dad wouldn't want you to do that." I would have asked him who his dad is, but I probably already knew the answer to that.

"Great, another nephew." I muttered sarcastically. How many kids does my brother have!?

"I'm Edmund by the way!" I'll try to keep my snarky, mean side on hold just cause he's a kid. God knows I have a soft spot for kids...

"Nicolette, but you already know that."

"So, what's it like on the Isle of the Lost?" He soon started questioning me.

"Oh, you know, villains and being evil and stuff. Not to mention, dirty, unsafe for kids, but it's not like you'll ever go there."

"When I'm old, I'm gonna make the isle a safe and clean place." He announced. "Every since I found out about you I've always wondered what it was like over there."

"Wow, you've got big dreams kid. Maybe when your king, you can make them come true."

"Oh, I don't wanna be king, my brother Eddie gets that roll. I wanna change the world, so everyone can get along." I guess this kid wasn't as bad as I thought...

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