Oh Brother, Literally!

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I walked alone to my new room since apparently, 'There wasn't enough space with Mal and Evie'. What a dumb lie, right! I stood outside the door and opened it to reveal in older man. I screamed which made him turn around and scream.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!!" He screamed out.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I answered. I calmed down and looked at the man.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Who are you?!" He rudely asked me.

"I'm Nicolette, and this is my room." A smile grew on his face as he quickly ran up to me and picked me up.

"It's so great to finally meet you! I haven't seen you since you were a baby." He started to spin me around.

"Again! Who are you?!" He stopped spinning and looked at me.

"I'm Edward. Your older brother." My eyes widened. Damn it, now I have to deal with him... I thought.

"Put me down. Put me down now!" I commanded, while slapping him on the head. Edward placed me back on the floor gently.

"What's wrong--?" He asked, but I cut him off,

"First off, it's half-brother." I corrected him. "Second off, you don't just pick up someone like that and personally, I don't know you or anyone here and I don't wanna get to know anyone."

"Don't worry Nikki-- Can I call you Nikki?-- you'll learn to love it here. I'm hoping that you'll be able to stay permanently so you can have the family you deserve."

"The family I deserve?! The family I deserve is just a few rooms down the hall." I pointed to the hall that Mal and Evie were in. He ignored the last part and continued talk,

"I got this room just for you, so you don't have to worry about anyone bothering you. Just one rule, no boys allowed." I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Look Edward, It's really nice that you're trying to get close to me, but I'm not the family bonding kind of person." I explained.

"You don't have to be, I just want to know you, the real you. I think the girl behind the leather jacket is truly a nice person." He gave me a smile, before pulling me into a hug. I didn't hug back, probably because I was in shock. "Oh, I almost forgot! Here!" He handed me a box. I shook the box, but he quickly stopped me.

"You might wanna open it now." I sat on the bed and placed the box next to me and opened it. It was a kitten, a grey kitten. I smiled at it as meowed at me.

"I will see you soon, ok?" I nodded in response without thinking. He smile and walked out the door, I held the kitten close to my face.

"I'll name you Marcella." I looked around the room, it was a pretty big room; blue and purple wallpaper, a dark blue bed in the corner, a huge closet, and a balcony. I walked towards the dark purple desk that was close the the bed to see two tiny boxes, one was red and wrapped in a gold ribbon, the other was blue and wrapped in a white ribbon. I put Marcella down and opened the red one to see a silver ring with a purple gem in it. The other one was gold with a round blue gemstone. A note was attached to the box.

I hope you like the gifts I got you.

-Your brother,

I placed the gold ring on my finger and left the room to find the others. Marcella followed as fast as her little paw could.

 Marcella followed as fast as her little paw could

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I walked with Evie and Mal inside the guy's dorm. Carlos was playing a game on a huge TV, and Jay was on his bed unpacking the things he probably stole. I walked towards him and jumped on the bed.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked.

"It's called stealing."

"Ok, what's the point?" I asked.

"Well Mal, Lette it's like buying whatever you want, except it free."

"Okay, so you could do that, or you can leave this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said with her matter-of-fact voice.

"You sound just like your mom!" I commented as I played with the random phone that Jay stole, Marcella laid on her back playing with a piece of string. Mal looked flattered.

"Thank you!"

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine." Jay said. He noticed Marcella and got confused.

"I don't remember stealing a cat."

"You didn't, you idiot. My half-brother gave her to me along with this." I should him the ring on my finger.

"Half-brother, huh?" Mal said. I shrugged and placed Marcella on a pillow.

"Die, suckers!" Carlos yelled at the video game. "Jay, come check this thing out. Man, it's awesome!" Jay took the controllers and started fighting.

"Guys!" I got their attention.

"Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal said sarcastically.

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic Wand, blah, blah, blah." They laughed, while Mal and I just looked pissed.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" I reminded them. "To prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel! Yeah?"

"Yeah." They answered.

"Evie, mirror me." I stood behind Mal.

"Mirror, mirror on the ...in my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?" The mirror shimmered and showed us the wand. "There it is!"

"Zoom out." I commanded.

"Magic mirror, not so close." Evie said. "No, closer, closer... closer..."

"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three." Carlos started leaving, I walked over and unplugged the TV. "Not anymore." I sang.

"Stop!" Jay shouted.

"It's in a museum! Do we know where that is?" Carlos typed on the computer that Jay stole.

"2.3 miles from here." I opened the door to see if anyone was there.

"Let's go!" Mal, Evie, and Jay ran down the corridor. I grabbed Marcella and placed her in my jacket pocket.

"Carlos!" I called. Carlos came running out and catches up.

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