Chapter 17: Decison Day

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I decide to knock on Romeo's door to see what's going on. No answer. So I decide to text him.

Me: What's wrong?
Romeo: Nothing... it's stupid
Me: It's probably not stupid, Ro.
Romeo: It is. Trust me.
Me: Then why did you get so upset?
Romeo: Like I said, it's no big deal.
Me: Romeo. I know something's wrong and the only way I can help is if you tell me what's going on.
Romeo: You wouldn't help because you are leaving in a few days and soon you will forget about me!!
Me: Romeo.
I wait for a response for a few minutes. Nothing.
Me: I will never forget you. You're special to me and I thought I was to you.
No response, again. I decide to text Alexa.
Me: Hey
Alexa: Heyyy!!! How r u?!!
Me: Fine
Me: Hbu?
Alexa: Somethings wrong... what is it?
Me: Romeo and I got into a fight, I think.
Alexa: WHAT?! What happened???
Me: Honestly I have no idea... we were on a walk and I was taking about how I'll see you soon and then he got all mad and went up to his room and won't text me back.
Alexa: That sounds pretty bad... so I'm guessing you're not doing the Burberry campaign?
Me: Omg I completely forgot about that. I still haven't made up my mind and I have to tell them today.😬
Alexa: Do what ever you want💓 I'm supporting u on whatever you chose☺️☺️☺️just text me ur decision😂
Me: 💗💗💗thx gtg

If I don't chose to do the campaign I leave London tomorrow. But if I do it I don't come home for 3 months.

"Dinnerrrrrr!"David yells.

We all run downstairs. I see Romeo and give him a little smile but he looks away.

For the beginning of dinner Romeo didn't say a word and he just picked at his food. The after he says,
"I don't feel very well, can I go upstairs?"
"Of course! Just let us know if you need anything." Victoria says sweetly.
As he walks up the stairs he looks at me and I tap my nose three times but he just rolls his eyes. What did I ever do to him. I actually wanted to do the campaign but now Romeo is obviously a jerk and I don't want to work with him EVER!!

After dinner I head up to my room and just sit in silence and think about what I should choose. Then I hear someone yell,
"Everyone come downstairs!"
It was David. I run downstairs with Mac and Evan following me. When we get down my parents and the Beckham's (minus Romeo) are all standing in front of a bunch of gifts.
"It's the last night for all or most of you and we wanted to show you how much we appreciated you and your stay." Victoria says while handing Mac and Evan two bags and I got three.
"One is from out whole family and one is from one of the kids." David says.
"Emily you got something from Harper also." Victoria says.
Harper chuckles.
Mac opened his gift from Brooklyn and it was tickets to a rapper who's coming to LA. I hate rap. Then the gift from the Beckham's was a really nice camera. Then Evan opens his gifts. From the Beckham's he got signed cleats from his favorite soccer players. And from Cruz he got a Xbox game he really wanted. I hate Xbox. Lastly I open my gifts. The first one is from Harper. She drew me a card and then gave me a beaded bracelet she made from one of her toy sets.
"Aww thanks Harper, I love it!" I say while hugging her.

Then I open the gift from the Beckham's. It's a Apple Watch, the same one Romeo has.

"Thanks so much! You didn't have to get me anything at all!" I say while hugging David and Victoria.

"Lastly I open the third gift. It was a small bag that had a small box with a precious necklace that says, "Em" in all fancy lettering. Also I it is an envelope that says "Read tonight if you are staying and read on the plane if you're leaving" and then there are many blue raspberry jolly ranchers. I think to myself, thanks Romeo.
"So Emily, have you made a decision?" David asks.
I really want to do the campaign but since Romeo is acting like a jerk I don't want to work with him.
"Yeah, I have. I'm going to...

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