Chapter 2

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I rush down to the beach where I find Percy swimming in the water. He looks up at me "You're late" he says blunty.

"You can thank Chiron for that."

"Oh can I?" he says like he challenging me. "I'll be sure to ask him about that later than."

"Be my guest, but i'm telling the truth. I fought him instead of a camper." I say. Then I dive into the water. I let myself get wet. It feels wonderful. I didn't know how much I missed the water.

I come back up to the surface, where Percy is waiting for me with his arms crossed.

"Well someone's in a mood today."

"Thats nice Ellie." says Percy turning around and waving his hand like he's telling me to go away. There it is again. I knew there was something other than me he was distracted with.

"Percy!" I yell.

"Whats wrong?" he says turning around and reaching for riptide.

"Percy what's with you?"

"Um nothing. You know I have to go do something, so why don't you o to the next training session."

"My next training session is after lunch."

"Then go do something else." he says walking away. I stand there and wait until he's gone, then I start to head to the Athena cabin. I tap on the door. "It's open" Annabeth says.

I step inside. The room is covered in papers, and notebooks, and books, as usual. Annabeth is sitting on her bed with papers scattered around her. Probably making designs for Olympus again. "Hey Ellie" she says without even looking up.

"So I needed some help with something..." I say trying to get Annabeths attention. It doesn't work. She doesn't budge.

"it's someone you care about..."


"It's about Percy." this finally gets her attention.

"What about Percy?" she says popping her head up.

"Figures that is the thing that gets your attention."

"Sorry Ellie, I've just been busy lately with training and having to design Olympus."

"That's okay, but Percy."

"What about him?"

"Have you noticed he's a little distracted lately?"

"Ya don't you think it's what Gaea said a couple of months to you and him?"

"No... Wait how'd you know that, we only told Chiron about that."

"He tells me everything."


"Anyway with Percy, it's probably just better to let him be. He's better when he can be alone a little bit."

I think about that a second. Hasn't Percy been alone the last two weeks with me sick. I mean sure he was with Annabeth a lot, but didn't he have enough time.

"So capture the flag tonight..."

"You'll be in the same spot as usual."

"I figured that, but Hazels been teaching me how to manipulate the mist and well I was thinking I could make a different flag that looked like it, then it could throw them off and..."

"Maybe next week we've been so busy lately it's just hard to change the plan on such short notice."

Then a bell goes off.

"Lunch. You coming?" I ask Annabeth.

"I suppose I should." she says getting up.

Annabeth and I walk to the dining hall together. We sit down at our tables. Everyone has someone to talk to, except me. Percy didn't come to lunch, and neither was Jason. I was going to see what he was doing that kept him from going to lunch.

I walked onto the porch of the cabin, and look into the cabin. Jason is talking to Percy. I hide so they can't see me, but so I can here them talk.

"Did you get it?" says Percy excitedly.

"Of course I got it Jackson, but you owe me for this."

"Thanks Grace." he says. Then I hear Jason walk out of the door. I hide on the side of the building. I peek around the corner and see Jason looking in the spot where I was hiding. Then he goes the other way. I let out a sigh of relief. I sand there for a couple of seconds.

"What are you doing Johnson?" it's Jason. For some reason he enjoys calling people by their last name.

"Uh nothing." I say a little to obviously.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"I heard all of it, but didn't see any of it."

"Good, don't ask Percy anything about this. Are we clear?"


"Good." He starts to walk away. Before rounding the corner he says "Not one word."

What on earth could be so important, that I can't talk to anybody about. Oh well. I walk over to the front door and quietly walk in. As soon as I walk in, Percy shoves something deep into his pocket.


"Why weren't you at..." I started to say, then I remember Jason telling me not to ask anything about this. "Uh mevermind." I quickly say

"What are you doing here?" asks Percy

"Well it's both of our cabins, and I was finding you. It's not often you miss a meal." I see Percy's eyes glaze over. "Percy" I yell clapping my hands in front of his face.

"What?!" he yells coming out of his trance.

"Maybe you should listen to Margo and take a nap or something. You're a little out of it."

"I'll be fine..."

"Percy promise me."

"Alright fine..." he collapses to the floor.

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