Chapter 4

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"Jake Kingston!" I say with my eyes practically popping out of my head. I went to school with him in Green Bay. I had a huge crush on him. I figured out why the person in my dream looked so familiar, because it was him.

"Hey Ellie. Mr. Smith said I would find you around here somewhere." he says giving me a smile.

"Uh what... Are... Uh how... What!?" I say completely confused

"I'm a demigod too, I guess."

"Oh well um... welcome to camp." I stutter.

Just then Chiron comes up from behind. "Congratulations Ellie on winning capture the flag, and I see you've met our new arrival."

"More of like, got reacquainted with."

"We went to school together before she came here. Alright I think I deserve a hug." says Jake opening his arms, and yes he's one of those kind of guys.

I give him a hug, until I hear Percy say "Who's this?"

"Oh um Percy this is Jake Kingston. Jake this is my brother Percy Jackson. Jake and I went to school together back in Wisconsin."

"Oh the cheese state." says Percy

"No! No its not the cheese state. I hate it when Tv shows do that. We are not that obsessed with cheese!" I yell

"Alright sorry." he says putting his hands in the air "Want to go get ready for camp fire?"

"Sure, uh Jake you'll be in cabin 11, unless you know who your godly parent is."

"Not a clue"

"Alright just watch out for The Stoll brothers"

"They're the biggest pranksters in camp." says Percy.

We go our separate ways and Percy puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him, which means, we have to talk. "So whats going on with you and Kingston."

I look at him "Percy nothing's going on, we're just friends."

"Mmm hmmm" says Percy obviously not convinced.

"Okay, I may have had a little crush on him before we left."

He looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "Little?"

"Okay, huge. We were kind of together ish. We both liked each other, but neither of us had the guts to say it. There happy?"

"I'm guessing you don't Leo to find out about this."

"Not one word Perseus Jackson. Promise me!"

"I promise."

We walk into the cabin together. I take a quick shower, and change into a pair of sweat pants, and a sweat shirt. I throw my hair in two braids. I don't like it, but Leo said it made me look cute and he liked it so that's what I did.

"Kissing up to Leo I see." says Percy as we walk out the door.

I turn around to stick my tongue out at him, but I trip and am caught... By Jake.

"Looks like we just keep running in to each other El."

"El?" asks Percy.

"Uh ya that's what he called me back in..." I start

"Wisconsin. Yeah yeah yeah, I got it." says Percy

Leo walks up to us. "Oh hi Leo." I say basically tackling him and giving him a kiss. I need to let Jake know I am NOT available.

"Uh El who is this?" asked Leo after I was done kissing him. He sounded upset. And Yes he calls me El too.

"Uh this Jake Kingston. I went to school with him. Jake this is my BOYFRIEND Leo."

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