Chapter 6

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We walked into the big house. "Ah good you're back, now we can discus when you will leave and who the ninth member will be." says Chiron

"We leave tomorrow." states Percy.

I know who is coming with us but I don't want to say it, especially with Leo right there. Unfortunately my watch had a different idea. 'Jake Kingston' I slap my hand over it. Everyone seems fine with it, except Leo who is glaring at me, and Annabeth who is studying me like a science experiment.

" did you do that?" asks Annabeth

I hold up my watch.

"Whenever she actually tries to talk..." starts percy.

I open my mouth "Kill Helen Jackson, or you all will pay severely."

"That happens" finishes Percy

Leo is scared again 'And only I can get rid of it. The only reason it's doing this, is so you guys kill me, and then you don't have a way to stop Kronos. Because Percy and I have to do it together.' says the watch.

"Um let's not worry tonight. Right now we need to get you ready for your quest." says Chiron trying to change the subject. Everyone just stares at him for a second, even the gods, who are still standing in the corner of the room. "We'll this is not the proper way to get ready now is it!" says Chiron exiting the big house.

"Uh..." says Jason who is the first to get up. "I'm going to go tell Jake he's coming with."

Everyone takes his lead to leave, except me and Percy. Even the gods leave. Probably to go scare the campers out of their minds. They enjoy doing that when they come.

I look up at Percy 'How am I supposed to go on a quest in this shape.'

He gives me a hug. He smells like the ocean, which comforts me. "I don't know, but we'll figure something out."

We walk to the cabin together. When we get there we start packing supplies up for the quest. I hear a knock on the door.

Jake walks in "So I hear you're the reason I'm going on this quest. I guess you missed me." he says

I don't turn around 'No lightning boy now get out of here and go pack or something.'

"Don't I get a good night hug."

'No' I continue packing.

"Alright Geez no need to be rude" he says walking out the door.

I fall asleep immediately after i'm done packing, I was exhausted. Lucky for me I had a dream free night.

* * * * * * *

I wake up to percy putting on his shirt, which is weird because he doesn't really make noise when he puts it on.

"Morning. How's my baby sister starfish doing today?" he asks.

"First of all I am not your baby sister, second... Starfish?" I said. Hey, I said something, no use for this watch anymore.

"Yup." he says.

"Okay well shes doing good I guess." I say walking to the bathroom to take a shower. "And why don't you make up names for Annabeth like that."

"I could never replace Wise Girl" he says distracted by something again.

After I get ready, Percy and I head to the dining hall. We eat breakfast and after that we head to the Argo II. Leo insisted on taking that thing again. I guess I don't really mind. We gather around the picnic table where we eat, except no one is eating. Leo is on the upper deck doing something to the boat. "HEY GUYS WHERE EXACTLY ARE WE GOING!!" yells Leo from the upper deck.

Jason gets up and goes up the stairs, probably to help Leo. We all sit in silence for a while until Jason comes back down. "Uh guys where exactly ARE we going?" he asks.

We look around at each other for a while. I look at him "Tell Leo Las Vegas, Nevada." I say. Don't ask me how I know that, I just do.

He goes back upstairs to tell Leo. Then everything starts to get blurry and the room starts spinning. I kind of black out, except I can sense myself moving, and every once in a while I would be sword fighting with someone on the boat. Then I actually blacked out.

* * * * * *

I wake up in my room, laying on my bed. My head is pounding. I try to get up, but find myself chained to my bedside table. What the heck? Hazel has been teaching me to use the mist, so I use that to get the chain off.

I walk over to the door and jiggle the handle. Locked. I use the mist to unlock that too. I walk out and Percy stands there with his sword pointed at me. "Uh Percy what...what are you doing?" I say nervously.

"Go back in there" not moving his sword.

"What's going on?" I ask walking backwards. He has a giant cut on his forehead, and bruises and cuts up and down his legs and arms.

"Go!" he says pointing his sword closer to me.

"Percy please what..." I back all the way into the room, and Percy quickly shuts the door and locks it. What could I have possibly done that was so horrible? I walk over to the mirror. I have a lump on the side of my head, and a gash down my whole arm that's still bleeding. I tap on the door. "Percy? Please, what happened?"

He sighs "I'll let you know later okay"

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