Chapter 21

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The course was huge. It was a giant thirty-foot tall structure. It kind of looked like a more intense version of Wipeout. There were swinging arm things, rope ladders, more swinging arm things, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Who knows if they The bad part was, there was no padding so if you fell. Ouch! Chiron stands out in front of us with a blow horn in his hand. "Heroes to your mark!" then he blows the horn. We run to the tower where the speed of the arms has increased dramatically. A few of the kids who aren't fast enough get hit with the arms. I'm about to get hit with one but I do a flip over it. Percy looks at me, amazed at what I just did. "Did I forget to mention I've done gymnastics since I was 4?" I start to climb up the ladders when I realize people are throwing balls and rocks at us. Nothing big enough to kill anybody, but it would still hurt if you got hit. By the time everyone had completely finished going through that, the majority of the campers were out of it. The only of us left was me, Percy, Clarisse, and a few other older campers I didn't recognize. Then I got to a platform. There was nothing there except for a couple of doors. I open one and a fury flies out. It catches me off guard and I stumble backward. I pull out my sword, and slice it's head off as I flies toward me. I go through the doorway the fury was in. I find another ?ole ladder and climb it. I'm quick to notice lasers going throughout the section. I pull myself up to the platform staying low to the ground. I do a couple of cartwheels and flips around the lasers, getting to the middle of the platform. A little platform raises me up onto the next section. It's completely silent. Nothing is there. I pull out my sword ready for an attack. I expected a monster, but instead spiders start to crawl out of a little hole in the ceiling. I freeze. Monsters is one thing, but spiders. Was that really necessary? They came closer and closer. I slowly move away from them. I take my sword and mindlessly swing it at them. A rope appears out of the hole in the ceiling, and it opens up wider, just enough to fit a person. I climb up the rope, praying to the gods there wouldn't be more spiders. I climb up and look down from above at all of the cheering campers. I notice a zip line at the edge. I grab onto the handles and zip down. Chiron is standing at the bottom. "Congratulations" he says

"Spiders Chiron, seriously spiders. Why do you hate me?"

"It was just part of the course."

"I know. I just don't know what's been going in with me lately." I say walking away up to half blood hill. I get to the top of the hill and see thousands upon thousands of monsters. "That's not good" I say to myself. I run back down the hill back up to Chiron. "Monsters. Thousand of monsters" I say

"Monsters?" he asks

"Coming up half blood hill" I say.

"Campers!" yells Chiron getting everyones attention immediately. "Get ready for battle! This is not a drill!" all of the campers get up and grab armor and weapons. I reach for my sword.

"Oh no!" says Percy walking up to me "You can't fight. It's too dangerous."

"Peeercy" I whine. "I fought a Titan. Why can't a fight a couple of monsters?"

"Because last time you almost died. I'm not letting that happen again."

"What if I stay right by you the whole time. That way if i'm about to get myself killed, you can jump in save me."

"Ellie I don't want you to get hurt..."

"I won't. I know how you feel about me fighting too. How do you think I feel when you risk your life to fight monsters and other creepy stuff? I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

"Ellie no. I don't want you getting hurt, and if the dreams you've been having are right, then it's you they're after. If you leave camp boarders you will be in the cabin for a week. Understood?"

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