Chapter 28

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It was the end of the day, after campfire (and after the "meeting" with Annabeth) and I was getting ready for bed, with Ellie already asleep in her bed. It was when I was brushing my teeth did I hear Ellie crying. I walked out of the bathroom to find her crying in her sleep muttering "No please, please no. Percy!" I run over to the bed and shake her awake before she starts screaming again. She woke up quickly unlike last time, but she was still crying. "Ellie, Ellie its okay." she looked up at me, her sad eyes puffy and red. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

She stared at him for a little bit, wondering whether or not she should tell me. She finally sighed and said "Okay"

"We were here, fighting an army of monsters. I was fighting two of then, and I wasn't doing a very good job. On of them almost got me, but you came in and stabbed it and it crumpled to dust. But the monsters you were fighting took that to your advantage and killed you." she took a shaky breathe.

"Is that all?" I ask. She nodded her head. "Can we just go to sleep now?" she then asks.

"Sure" I say getting up from her bed and sitting down on mine.

"I can't let that happen again." she mutters to herself.

"What?" I ask

"I can't... Luke... He gave his life for me. I couldn't let that happen again."

"I understand..."

"No you don't!" she yells at me "How could you possibly understand? I was dead! I should be dead, but Luke... Died for me. I have to live with that, knowing every day, that I shouldn't be here right now. I shouldn't be living."

"Now how can you say that?"

"You know it's true! I should be buried in the ground."

"Stop it!" I yell, sounding harsher than it meant to be.

She starts crying again. "It's all my fault." she whispers.

"It's not your fault. Luke made the decision for himself. You didn't force him to. He willingly did it."

Then a sleepy Jason walks in the door. "Dude seriously. Shut up!" he says "Some of us are trying to sleep." then he looks at Ellie, who was still crying. "Oh sorry was this a bad time?"

"Just a little"

"Well can you talk in the morning, cause i'm tired and you guys can't figure out how to talk quietly."

"Yes" Ellie says quietly. Then Jason leaves and we both fall into a deep sleep.


It was morning, and I was trying to avoid talking about what happened last night. I had actually packed a couple of things for my trip home, which consisted of my camp half blood t shirt, my tooth brush, and a picture of me and Percy. It wasn't much, but it was something. I was really going to miss this place, even the training.

I was really tired being woken up by nightmares again. Luckily I woke up myself up and not Percy. So anyway I was basically sitting around looking at a photo album I had made before I came here. Then I heard a squeaky voice coming from the water fountain. I got up and went over to it. "Mel" I whisper. "I forgot about you i'm so sorry" Mel was my hermit crab I got for my birthday from my friends, and yes I could understand her. It was weird. Then I noticed another crab there.

"I went to the beach, and met a friend." she says "This is Shane"

"So are you guys just friends or...?"

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