Chapter 23

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Mom and I stayed up for hours watching movies, chatting, and eating blue popcorn. I didn't ask how she did that to the popcorn, but honestly I was kinda scared to eat the stuff. At about one o'clock, she told me it was getting late. I knew that was 'code' for go to bed. She grabbed me some pajamas (which was just a t shirt and a pair of shorts) and showed me to Percy's room. I put on the pajamas and crawled into bed. It was comfy I nearly fell asleep, that is until I sensed someone watching me.

I sat up and looked around the dark room, but noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I glanced out the window, and noticed it was unusually dark, even for it being night time. The moon and stars seemed to have just disappeared and replaced with pitch black darkness. I got up and went over to the window. It suddenly got chillier as I walked up to it. I open the window where I see nothing. Absolutely nothing. All of the buildings, street lights, and ongoing traffic have seemed to disappear. Then I hear a cackle, and a voice that sends chills up my spine "Helen Jackson, did you think you could hide from me?" I grab my sword from the nightstand, then the darkness laughs. "Foolish girl! You cannot defeat me with swords." I uncap my sword, but the next thing I know the darkness had overcome me, and I was drifting off into a deep dark sleep.


I had a dream that night after I went to bed. Ellie was in my room, she looked like she was sleeping, but her breathes weren't even. Then she snapped her eyes open and looked around the room, until finally she stopped at the window. Outside it was unusually dark. She opened the window, the I heard some muffled voices, but nothing I could make out. Then the darkness enveloped her and she was gone.

I shot up in my bed. I looked out the window, and it was about 1:30 in the morning. I thought about the dream I just had. It couldn't have been real could it? I lay back down to try to fall asleep, but all I can think about is Ellie. I get up and go to the Athena cabin, and go to Annabeth. I tap her on the shoulder "Annabeth, I need to talk to you." she roles over so she's not facing me. "Percy go away. It not even two in the morning yet and you're trying to get me up."

"C'mon I really need to talk to you"

"Go away"

"Alright I didn't want to do with but..." I bend down and pick her up like a baby. I carry her to my cabin with her weakly yelling at me to put her down. I carry her into the cabin, and drop her on my bed. Her head hangs off the edge of the bed. She groans and sits back up. "What could possibly be so important that you had to get me up?"

"I had a dream..." I start to tell her the dream I had. After i'm done, she stares at me blankly. "So you mean to tell me, you woke me up because you want me to go on a trip at 2 in the morning to rescue your sister, who may or may not be actually be captured!" she yells. "Can we at least wait until morning?" she whines. "Please"

"Okay fine" I lay down in the bed and Annabeth cuddles up next to me.

"Your such a seaweed brain" she says before we both fall asleep.


I wake up with Annabeth on my chest breathing heavily. I play with one of her blonde curls, until she flutters open her eyes. She smiles at me. "Ready to go?" I ask. Her smile quickly fades.

"Do we have to?"

"Well I could go alone, but then I wouldn't be with you." she lets out a sigh and gets up.

"Let me go get ready"


I walk out of Percy's cabin and head to mine. Truth be told, I really didn't want to go after his sister yet again. He had a dream for crying out loud. It probably didn't happen. It's probably his mind doing something like that because he's worried about her. However I wasn't letting that seaweed brain to alone. I walk into my cabin, where I find everyone up and cleaning up the cabin, making their beds. The Athena cabin has usually gotten up early. I go over to my bed hoping no one will notice that I was gone, but I wasn't so lucky. My half brother Malcolm happened to notice. "So Annabeth, having fun with Percy last night?" as soon as he says that the whole cabin stops what they're doing and stares as me.

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