Chapter 14

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We landed in a giant hole with a thud, which made my teeth vibrate. It was a wet cave. It probably would've been dark, except we just put a gaping hole in the ceiling, so not very dark. "Good of you to finally show up" says a figure walking towards us. He had black hair, an eye patch and one golden eye.

"Ethan Nakamura" says Annabeth. Her voice cracks, and it sounds like she's been crying, and her eyes are red and puffy.

"Ahh Annabeth see that is where you are incorrect. This time, I will prevail I will defeat the gods and..."

Just then Luke peeked out from the side of the boat to look down at Ethan

"Stop!" he yelled "It's not worth it. You'll fail, I know that now."

"Luke." Sneered Ethan/Kronos "You traitor. How can you call yourself a hero? You're a joke."

"I did what was right." he comes back

"Oh is that what you're telling yourself now, to make up for your foolish choice?" asks Ethan/Kronos. Oh where is Rachel with a hairbrush when you need her. Then Kronos said "I suppose I better kill you now" and everything went black.

* * * * * * * *

"Ow." I say waking up, chained to a wall. I look up and everyone is awake except Jake. It's exactly like my dream, but Percy is replaced by Luke and Amanda. Percy! I look around and see his statue sitting on the boat. They must not have noticed it looked exactly like Percy. Idiots. Although he isn't much help now. "Guys we have to get out of here" I say pulling on my chains. I tried to reach for my sword, but the chains we're long enough to get it. "Guys c'mon we can't just sit here. I'm not losing Percy for nothing." as I say that Annabeth let's out a sob.

"Oh my gods. Percy." she says. Poor Annabeth.

"Ellie's right we have to do something" says Frank

"Can anyone reach there weapons?" I ask

"No" they all say in sync. Great just great. Anyone have any better ideas?

"Maybe I could charm speak the chains to fall off." suggests Piper

Annabeth shoots her down immediately "Piper, its an inanimate object you can't just..."

"Chains I demand you to fall off. I know you can." says Piper. The second she said that, I heard her chains clatter off. She looks smugly over to Annabeth. "Told you so"

Annabeth looked irritated. "Well are you going to cut us free or not?"

Piper pulls out katoptris and starts cutting the chains off Jason. I'm the last one because i'm on the end. Just as she finishes cutting mine off, a giant figure walks through the hole in the side of a cave. I pull out my sword. It look like Ethan but like ten feet taller. I suppose Kronos is in there soooo...

"Little heroes" he laughs. "I will destroy you in a second. Oh and it seems your little friend Percy has bailed out on you." immediately everyone jumps into action. Jason starts hitting him with lightning, Leo is hitting him with ablaze hammers. Piper is charm speaking him, Frank is a dragon breathing fire on him, Hazel has random jewels shooting out of the ground, Amanda is casting some spell, I'm trying to catch him off guard with water storms. The rest of the group has resumed to cutting up his feet with their swords or daggers. One by one Kronos knocks them away with swipe of his meaty hand. After a while it's just me and Jason, with the rest trying to back away. I half a second later Jason is slammed against a wall. Now i'm alone. "I have waited along time for this." says Kronos lifting me up. I will a wave of water to crash over him. He drops me and lucky me I land on my back, hitting the back of my head to the ground. I stand up and everything is spinning. I take up my sword and try to stab him, but he picks me up again this time throwing me across the room. I here a crack, which doesn't make me feel to good. I can't get up so I just sit there with my eyes closed. Maybe he'll think I'm dead and just leave me be. I do open my eyes though. I look over at Percy. I notice he's beginning to change back from stone. His black shaggy hair was back, and his green eyes and... The deal was broken. "What happened here?" he asks as soon as he's no longer stone.

"Jackson" Kronos spits. Percy looks over at me. "oh my gods Ellie!" he says running over to me.

"No" I yell, well I yell as loud as I can which is nothing but a whisper. He comes over to me. "Percy the deal is broken. She promised I wouldn't get hurt."

"I can't believe this!" he yells

"Percy, go. Fight." he stands up and starts to fight him. I close my eyes to weak to keep them open. I hear two people run up to me.

"Oh my gods." it's Piper

"Jason! Leo! Frank!" yells Annabeth "get a cot and the first aid kit from sick bay!"

"Little help here guys!" yells Percy who seems a bit tired. Luke happily joins him, while Amanda looks like she's doing a healing spell on Jake. Hazel also joins in but she doesnt look too happy about it. Finally Frank brings out the first aid kit. He hands it to Annabeth who quickly opens it. She tries to feed me an ambrosia square, but I refuse to eat it. Finally they get out some nectar and force it down my throat. Then Annabeth lifts up my shirt so you can see my stomach. I didn't notice before, but there was a rock stuck in. A long and skinny one that goes about from my side to my belly button. She carefully pulls it out and quickly stitches it up, which hurts... a lot. I would scream in pain, but I was too weak."Frank don't we have one of those heart monitors in sick bay?"

"Yeah but it needs an outlet." he replies

"Well then can you go and see whats taking Jason and Leo so long?"

"Sure" he says running away.

A split second later, Percy yells "Yes got ya. Everyone cover your eyes!" I shut mine not very tight. I feel a bright light on me then it's gone. "I found his weak spot." says Percy. Then he runs over to me remembering I was hurt. "Is she going to be okay?" Percy asks Annabeth.

She whispers something in his ear which probably means 'no. She'll probably die soon'

Then Leo and Jason come out with the cot. Annabeth stops "I think thats about all I can do." Percy picks me up and sets me lightly on the cot. Then they strap me to it, obviously so when the carry me on to the ship I won't fall off. I groan when they put them on.

They carry the cot up to the ship and then down to sick bay. I feel a sharp pain every time they take a step. Then we stop moving. Annabeth starts to hook me up to that heart monitor. "Leo how fast can you get us back to camp?"

"Give me two days." he says running out of the room, probably to check the engine or something. Percy grabs a chair and sits on it backwards. "Ya know you're lucky we aren't at the infirmary at camp."

"Once when I was sick, he put a giant wall of water around the entire building to 'protect me'" at this I crack a smile. I would have laughed, but I hurt. "Now you have to rest, so we'll leave you alone" she and Percy walk out holding hands. I tried to fall asleep, but try falling asleep when it feels like you have and elephant sitting on your chest.

* *Annabeth* *

My seaweed brain was back. Although he was 'gone' for less then a day, it feels good to know i'm not going to cry myself to sleep tonight. "So I hear Leo finished up the living area. We were planning on watching a movie." I say

"Sounds great" says Percy giving me a kiss on the forehead. We walk into the room. Piper and Jason are sitting on the couch snuggled up together. Hazel and Frank and Luke and Mandy are in the same position. Jake is sitting on the floor awkwardly alone. The first thing Percy says is "Why is the carpet the same color as my eyes?" he sounds a little creeped out.

Leo completely ignores him and says "So guys I got this movie" he says pulling out the movie Frozen. Jason nudges Piper. "Do you wanna build a..."

"Finish your sentence Grace. I dare you." she threatens. He quickly turns his head. Piper isn't the best fighter, but she could get him to do whatever she wanted with her charm speak. Leo pops in the movie without any input from anyone else.

"Anyone want any popcorn?" yells Percy a little too loud.

"Percy you going to get fat from eating all that food." says Hazel.

Percy lifts up his shirt showing his six pack. "I think I'm good" he walks out of the room to get the popcorn, and the movie begins.


Hola my fabulous followers! How's life? Well my life is good I suppose. I don't really have much to say. Um... Anyone out there read the fault in our stars? If not I strongly suggest it. Anyway thanks for reading this far. Don't forget to like!

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