Chapter 27

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It was about midnight when the campfire ended. We were all tired so we all decided to get some sleep. Ellie hadn't been at dinner, or gone to the campfire, so I was a little worried. I walked into the cabin to find her sleeping. I climb into my bed and try to get some sleep. Not even five minutes later, I hear Ellie whispering Percy. I sit up, and find her still asleep. Then she starts screaming my name and crying. She was kicking around in her bed tossing and turning, whipping her arms everywhere. She kept screaming "PERCY NO! NOT YOU TOO!" but she was still asleep. I tried to go over to her and wake her up, but nothing worked. Then Jason and Jake walked into the room. "What's going on?" asks Jason with his sword ready.

"Put your sword away and help me!" I say still trying to get close enough without her clonking me in the head. She continued to cry. Jason tried to wake he up too, but nothing helped. By now I could see lights from every cabin flipping on, and a couple of people looking out of their windows to see what all of the commotion was about. I didn't know what to do. This had happened once before with Annabeth right after the giant war, and by that time she ha calmed down enough where I could comfort her. Ellie was worse, much worse. "Jason." I say "Go get Piper"

"Why" he asks poking Ellie with a broom.

"She can charm speak, maybe she can say something to wake her up."

He runs out of the cabin. Then Chiron walks into the cabin not looking very happy. "Whats going on here?" he asks

"Chiron, she won't wake up." I say "What do I do?" he looks down at the screaming Ellie.

"I'll go get some Apollo campers. Jake, it may be helpful if you got Annabeth." then he leaves with Jake on his tail. Then Jason walks in with a sleepy Piper.

"Jason, why" she says. Then he gestures to Ellie.

"Can you charm speak her to wake up?" I ask.

"I can try." she turns to Ellie and starts talking "Ellie, I need you to calm down and wake up." she kept saying stuff like that. I was almost tempted to start doing jumping jacks in the corner, but Ellie keeps screaming. Eventually Piper wakes her up, but she is still screaming and crying and saying "Percy... Percy" to herself. Then Chiron walks in with all of the Apollo campers, and Jake with Annabeth. Everyone tries to talk to her, but nothing was working. By now the whole camp was in the Poseidon cabin trying something to calm her down. Even a bucket of water was dumped on her but that only made her more worked up. Annabeth walks over to me "Percy she's saying your name. She thinks you're dead. You need to go in there and help her." she says.

I walk up to the crying Ellie, and sit in her bed next to her. "Ellie, i'm right here, i'm okay, i'm not gone. I'm right here." I say she keeps on crying. "Shhh Ellie, i'm here." I put my arms around her and she calms down some and by some I mean she stops screaming. She continues to sob and shake. She leans her head on my chest and sobs into my shirt, hugging me back. After about an hour most of the campers have gone back to their cabins and gone back to sleep. I was still with Ellie, and she had finally stopped crying and had fallen asleep again. The only people who had stayed behind were the seven, and Jake. I set her down so she was laying down again and walked over to the others. "Guys i'm sorry I don't know what happened, she just started screaming, I..."

"Percy," says Hazel "It's alright. You care about your sister like Nico cares about me. You didn't know what to do so you got help."

"Just don't do it again" says Jason walking out. The others follow. I go to bed, and don't wake up until 7:30 to Ellie moving around the cabin. I can tell she's avoiding my gaze. I decide not to talk to her about it, for fear she might cry again. I take a quick shower, change, and walk out of the bathroom to find Ellie had already left the cabin. Breakfast didn't start until 8:30 and it was only 8:00 so I didn't know where she was. Jason walks into the cabin, still in his pajamas. "Why is your sister in my cabin?"

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