Chapter 19

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* *Percy* *

We were at the camp fire. I had my arm around Annabeth. We were in the back of the crowd talking to the squealing Piper who still hadn't gotten over the fact that we were engaged when I heard someone gasp my name behind me "Percy"

I turn to see who it was. "Ellie!" I say rapping her in a hug. She must've thought it was weird, because she didn't hug me back right away. Eventually she did though. "Where have you been?" I ask

"Camp Jupiter" she says, still sounding out if breathe. "I formed an alliance with them."

"Well that's good, but what happened to you?" I say, noticing a bunch of scraps and bruises on her face, up and down her arms, and all a lot her legs.

"Sandy followed me there, so about an hour of flying, these metal birds starting pelting us, so Sandy couldn't fly because one of her wings got hurt. Then we had to walk quite a ways. Then I rode on Sandy's back. We kept getting chased by monsters, but don't freak out. Nothing horrible happened." I say

"I'm just happy you're back" I say giving her another hug.

"I am too" she replies.


"So did you run away or get kidnaped this time?" asks Jason

"Kidnapped" I say

"What?" asks Percy

"I'm fine Percy really. You don't have to worry. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself" I say. Ugh why is Percy so overprotective. "Anyway I think i'm just going to go to bed. I'm tired and I've had a really long day."

"Okay" says Percy "Just try not to get yourself killed"

"On the way to the cabin... It'll be difficult but I'll do my best." I walk off toward the cabin. When i'm about to walk through the door, someone grabs me from behind, spins me around and kisses me. I didn't see who it was, so I expected it to be Leo, but I notice he was cold, and didn't smell of machine oil and smoke. I open my eyes and see myself face to face with Jake. I step back and slap him.

"I don't care what you do to me." he says "It was worth it."

"How... That... I have a boyfriend!" I yell and run into the cabin. I slam the door shut. I run over to my bed and stifle a scream in my pillow. I didn't scream because he kissed me, it was because he kissed me... And I liked it... A lot. Shut up Ellie you have a boyfriend. I decide to take a shower. After the shower I go to bed.

I dream. How wonderful dreams can be sometimes. I dream of Gaea. She is talking, it looks like its to me. She cackles "Little demigods. Cherish this moment, for you will not receive many more of these happy endings." than she laughs again, And I wake up. I'm alone so the camp fire must still be going on. I close my eyes again and drift of into a sleep. I dream of a lady. She's beautiful, abnormally beautiful. She smiles. "I bet you're wondering why i'm doing this to you"

"Who are you?" I find musket asking

"Aphrodite dear. Goddess of love and beauty." I wait in silence for her to keep going "You remind me of Percy. Compared to him, you have gone through nothing. However he never had to go through competition. You will understand what to do soon."

"Wait what do you mean?" I try to ask before she fades away. "I hate it when people don't give me a direct answer" I say then I wake up. Percy had just walked through the door. I sit up and cover my face with my hands.

"Are you okay?" asks Percy taking off his shirt.

"I don't know anymore. I think i'm losing my mind." I say "Why do we have to have dreams?"

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