Chapter 8

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I find myself pacing around the upper deck talking to myself. "What did you expect from him. He's a guy. He's a dirtbag just like every single one of them except Percy and..."

"You okay?" it's Jake

"Oh Jake" I reply "You scared me."

"Sorry" he replies

"So um... What's going on?"

"Roaming the ship, and Leo was pretty miffed off at me for some reason when he came in looking for Piper. He said something about love advice."

"Ah Leo." I say rolling my eyes

"Something wrong with you two?" he says a little to curiously.

"Well I guess he just broke up with me sooo... I Don't know why he would need love advice."

"Gee that's a shame." He say with no sympathy in his voice. He said it kind of excitedly.

Then I hear a squawk over head. Harpies. "Can you fight" I ask Jake.

"Um no." he replies

I take out my sword "Well then go make yourself useful and find someone who can." I yell at him.

He runs down below the deck. There is not just one harpy, but a flock. A couple of them land on the deck, and I slash right through them. Percy runs up to join me. I turn around to see a face on the deck.

"Gaea" says Percy

The face laughs "Don't worry my dear Percy Jackson, I am far from waking, however my giants are not. So join me or die."

"We will never join you!" I yell at her.

"Suit yourself" she says and then disappears. A swarm of Harpies then engulfs me and Percy. They grab onto us and carry us away.


Percy told me to get some more help, so I found Annabeth, Jason, and Frank. We hurried up the stairs to get to the deck, and everything was gone. Percy, Ellie, everything. No feather left in sight.

"So Jake wheres this giant flock of Harpies" says Annabeth

"They were right here I swear." I reply completely mind blown.

"Ya uh-huh" says Annabeth, as her and Frank walk away.

Jason comes next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "I believe ya little bro."

I glare at him, and he lets go.


The harpies took us to a cave in who knows where. Before I know it, we are chained to a wall. I try to pull it out, I mean Hercules was a son of Zeus, i'm a granddaughter of Zeus. Who knows maybe I have super strength too.

Apparently I don't have super strength. "I give up. Percy what are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know wait for help or something." replies Percy

"We're just supposed to give up? Die here with no hope or plan of escaping?"

"Yeah I guess."

Perch and I are within arms distance. I reach over to him and slap him.

"Ow what was that for?" he whines

"SNAP OUT OF IT." I yell at him.

"Sorry. Annabeth is the one who comes up with the plans. All of mine usually fail."

"Fine then lets just talk and maybe we can come up with a plan." I say with no other options.

"Well we are siblings and I know barely anything about you." says Percy shrugging.

"Alright well I only had one friend when I was little."


"Doesn't matter. He's dead now anyway. Uh anyway I never had any friends when I got older. I was expelled from every school I ever went to. Usually it was because I always destroyed some priceless relic where ever we went except in fifth grade. That year time I went into the bathroom all the water pipes would break. I ended up having a "buddy" when I went to the bathroom and they would come back every time soaking wet. Bottom line everyone hated me and so I hated everyone else."

"What a sad story." I hear a voice say somewhere in the cave. "Too bad it won't end with happily ever after." the figure comes out of the darkness. "I am Kronos. Aww would you look at that the most powerful demigods can't even get out of the little chains." he does a maniacal laugh and leaves.

"Little" I say

"What?" asks Percy.

I'm lucky I let Piper do my hair earlier "Little!" I say.

I pull out a bobby pin that was in my hair, and start fidgeting around with the locks on my wrists. They both fall off then I go for Percy's. "So how do we get out of here?" I ask after Percy's chains fall off.

"We could always follow Kronos." says Percy.

"Last time I was in a cave, and I followed the enemy, I ended up in a room with thousands of monsters. I don't think that's our safest bet."

"Well you got out alive sooo."

"You can't be serious."


Just then two holes appeared in the ceiling of the cave, and two clouds of mist came down and scooped up me and Percy. It carried us to the Argo II.

Annabeth is giving Percy an angry look.

"We have a little problem." she says dragging Percy after her. Everyone else follows except Jake who isn't even here. I am left alone. I start to follow, but Jason gives me a look saying 'don't'.

I go and sit near the edge of the deck. I try to heal that giant gash on my arm. Frankly I haven't noticed it much, but every once in a while I'll look at it and freak out inside. (may I also mention, I am really OCD) By the time I hear someone coming up it's turned into a minor scratch.

"Alright I am setting some rules for you" it's Annabeth

"Oh fun I love rules." I say with sarcasm

"You can't talk to Percy or even go near him at the moment. I don't want to drag you into this mess too."

"Whatever." I reply. Then Annabeth leaves. I rush down to find Percy. When someone tells me not to do something, I immediately have to do it.

"Percy" I yell as soon as I find him

"Ellie please just go somewhere else I don't want you to..."

"What's in the room?" I say as I notice he is guarding it.

"Nothing, no one, just please leave."

"Not until I know." I say crossing my arms not moving.

"Fine just don't tell anyone."

I walk up to the door and open it. I just about pass out when I find out who it is.

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