Chapter 10

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I am so bored. I have been on the deck, watching Leo do something to his stupid Archimedes sphere, while I twiddle my thumbs. Everyone else was probably meeting about Luke and what to do with him... And me. Luke said he should stay in the room. So I am now stuck here with Leo. This couldn't be more awkward.

"We've made a decision" I hear Percy say as he walks up.

"About what?" I ask

"I don't want you talking to or seeing Luke."

"Whoa there's a shock." I say with a little sarcasm.

"I'm serious."


"No questions."

"You... Your so..."

"Ellie i'm jut trying to keep you..."

"No. You don't understand. You don't understand what its like to be my age anymore. You're acting like you're my dad!"

"Maybe I am, but dad isn't here to be in charge, so I have to do this. I have to be the parent here."

"No you don't. You can be my brother. I don't need to be ruled over. You weren't. I can handle myself perfectly fine!" I yell running down to the lower deck. I stop at the bottom of the stairs so I can here what they say.

"Well you handled that well" says Leo

"Leo, what am I supposed to do?" asks Percy

"She's right you know. You do try to control her life... Ahh dang it!"

"What did you do now?"

"Mechanical stuff you wouldn't understand. Anyway, if you don't believe me ask Annabeth. She'll tell you the truth. Oh and please remind Ellie she owes me some skittles."

"Alright Leo." says Percy with a tad of sarcasm in his voice. Then I hear him start to come down the stairs. If I try to run he'll see me. I try to use that transporting spell Circe taught me when she had kidnapped me earlier this spring. I appear in a white room.

"Okay." I say out loud. "this is not my room."

Then I hear a voice that is all to familiar to me. "On the contrary dear, I believe it is in the exact shape you left it a couple of months ago." a women appears in the door frame.

"Circe. What do you want from me? Why can't you just leave me alone for a year?" I ask

"And let that precious time waste. Wouldn't dream of it darling. In exactly 15 months you will reach the ideal age where you shall reach your full potential."

A million questions raced through my head. What time would she be wasting? What is going to be going on during that 15 months? Why does she still need me? Then I realized its January 7th. In exactly 15 months, I will be turning 16 on April 7th, the age Percy was when he faced Kronos. But what will she have me doing in those 15 months.

"Why me? Why not anyone else?" I finally ask.

"I think you already know the answer to that." she relies

She was right. I did know the answer. It was because I am the only one was related to so many gods. Then another question hit me. If Percy and I are brother and sister, how am I related to do many gods, when he isn't?

"Hmmm." says Circe, bringing me out of thought "You are a very curious girl aren't you? That will be your demise. Your one fatal flaw."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"In knowing you will try to stop it, but it cannot be stopped."

"Okay... Get out."

"Alright I've bothered you enough." says Circe as she walks to the door. "Oh and one more thing, your room is magic proof, so no magic in here."

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