Chapter 25

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I can carry Ellie short distances, I mean thats easy, but carrying her up like four flights of stairs it gets a little tiring. She kept groaning, even though she blacked out. We rode the elevator back up, and quickly ran out to the car where Argus was waiting for us in the van.

"Argus step on it" says Annabeth shutting the door as she sits down in the car next to me. My head jerks back because of how fast Argus started going. In less than fifteen minutes we were back at camp. I was rushing Ellie to the infirmary. I set her down on one of the cots, and told Margo what happened. "Thank you Percy" she says. I wait there while she grabs a couple of the other kids. "Percy" says Margo walking back up "I don't want to sound rude, but could you please leave?"

"Uh sure" I say and hesitantly leave. Annabeth must've gone back to her cabin because I didn't see her.

"Hey Jackson" says Jason walking up to me.

"Hey Jason" I say walking back to the cabin. He follows after me.

"What no last name? What happened?" asks Jason.

"Nothing" I say and keep walking.

"Where's Annabeth?"

"Probably in her cabin." I keep walking and go into my cabin.


I was in my cabin researching cures for gorgon blood when Jason walked in.

"Hey... Jason." I say without looking up "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you." he replies

"Does Piper know you're here?" I say

"It's about Percy. Is everything okay?"

"His sister is dying."


"I wouldn't take it lightly Jason. I don't think she'll make it out on this one." I say looking up at him. "It was pretty bad. She was screaming in pain, and couldn't say one word without looking like she would pass out. Of course she did pass out, but that's not the point."

"So are you making more blue prints for Olympus?" he asks walking over to the computer.

"No. I'm researching cures for gorgon blood. So far I've found nothing except for the healing kind of gorgon blood, but I don't think we have any of that."


"So, I think today will be her last." I say bluntly. It hurt to say that. Sure I was fearing for my life when I was seven before I got to camp, but I did survive. She has gotten 5 less years than I have. Then there was the fact she and Leo broke up. I wouldn't say her last few days weren't the happiest. She deserved more time to be a teenager.


I went back into the infirmary because I had nothing else to do. No one was around Ellie, and she was still out. Margo walked up to me. She didn't look like she was bearing good news. "I'm so sorry Percy but..."

"No!" I yell. I knew what she was going to say, and I didn't want to hear it.

"Percy there's nothing we can do. We can't cure her. We'VE done everything we can."

"She can't go. I've known her for less than a year. It's not enough time. Fourteen years isn't enough."

"I know it's hard..."

"She was the only person who was family to me, except for my mom."

"Percy you'll still have..."

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