Dresses and Disasters

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There was a crush at the stairs as we all fought each other.  Me, being the smallest squeezed through and made a dash for my room.  Slamming the door behind me, I quickly stripped off my school uniform, throwing it in the corner and got in my en-suite shower.

The water was icy cold, but I ignored this.  After the quickest shower in history, I got out and pulled on my dressing gown.  I heard my door open, and going back into my room I saw Ashley grabbing my straighteners and making a rn for it.

"Ashley!" I yelled, running after him in just my robe.

He slipped into his room and locked the door.  I banged my fist against it.

"Ashley fucking Purdy, give me back my straighteners or I will beat this bloody door down!"

I heard laughter as Jake came out his room opposite.  He threaded his arms around my waist, "Hey, calm down," he laughed.

I elbowed him in the ribs, "I will not calm down!"

The lock clicked and the door opened a crack.  I threw myself against it, but Ashley held it closed.

"Wear the dress," he teased.

I glowered at him, arms folded across my chest.

"Wear the dress and I'll give you back your straighteners".

"Burn," Jake laughed, behind me.

I glared at him and he looked suitably ashamed.

"You perv, Ashley Purdy," I snapped.

"The dress," he replied in a singsong voice.

I stared death at him, then, knowing I would regret said, "Fine."

He opened the door fully and I made a grab for my straighteners, but he held them out of my reach, laughing.  Curse my shortness.  Why couldn't I be tall like Andy?

"Ah, ah, ah, dress first."

I turned savagely around and stalked back to my room.  Pulling on my underwear quickly, I knew Ashley would follow me.

He and Jake stood there as I opened my wardrobe and pulled out the dreaded dress.

"Hey, what's happening?" CC asked as he joined the other two.  I saw Jake whisper something to him and they both burst into silent laughter.

It's a good thing I'm not shy, otherwise I don;t know how I'd cope with all these men, all at least 5 years older then me, watch me get dressed.  Well, we do hide nothing in this house.

The dress was black, with a ribbed corset and purple ribbon at the back.  The short skirt stuck close to my thigh.

"And the shoes," Ashley added, waving at me with the straighteners.

I pulled on my black and purple stilettos .  At least now I'll be almost as tall as everyone else.

"Happy now/" I asked.

"No, still need to use the straighteners," and Ashley pushed past CC and Jake and ran to his room.

I let out a scream of annoyance and collapsed on my bed, head in my hands.  I looked up.

"Did you two want something?" I asked the two boys still standing in my door way.

They glanced at each other and CC held up a pair of straighteners he had hidden behind his back, with the name 'Purdy' on them in diamante lettering.

Seriously, why?!

After I hit CC, Jake, Ashley and Jinxx for good measure, I finally got my straighteners back, did my hair and applied my make up.  I didn't put much on and surprising neither did the guys.

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