Three Words Cannot be Said

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Torrie's P.O.V.

As the bus pulled up to the barracks, I stared, transfixed out the window.  It really was an amazing place.  After passing through the security guarded gate and up the road the bus took a left, parking by a building that had a deactivated tank outside it.

There weren't that many people on the bus, about 10 others, all of them boys.  I had done my best to ignore their wide eyed stares, but stepping off the bus and being greeted with a crowd of more boys, most of them older than me, I began to feel a little subconscious.

Stuck in the middle of the group, I desperately looked around for someone who I could talk to.

"Hey, babe," said one of the lads, walking up to me and spiking his hair up, "What brings you here?"

"Right!" yelled a voice, over the chatter of the crowd.

I felt relief wash over me.  First because I could ignore the boy's question, and second because I knew that voice, and pushing to the front I smiled at Captain Thomas.

"I think this is everyone now so let's-"  The Captain stopped at the sight of a boy running to get to the group.  He had his long, floppy, black hair and was red in the face after running so fast.

"Sorry, I'm late," he panted, to many snickers from the other boys.

"No problem, son," said the Captain, "We were just getting started.  Now, we will proceed to the lecture room, where you will be given a talk and then we'll take a tour around the barracks,"  he began walking and we all followed, "Seeing things such as the dorms, mess hall and training facilities.  Unfortunately we won't have enough time to get round..."

I tuned out, but I didn't feel guilty, by the look of it none of the other boys had listened to any of it.  I fell to the back of the group, where the boy who was late was walking, all on his own.

"Hey," I said, smiling warmly.

"Hi," he answered, looking up from the ground and returning my smile, brushing his hair out of his eyes, "I didn't expect to see any girls here."

"I met the Captain the other day and he suggested I came to this thing," I explained, esturing to the front, where Captain Thomas was still going on about pointless things no one was listening to.

"I'm Olli Cooper."

"Torrie," I smiled, "Torrie Biersack."

Then I realised I'd said something wrong.

"Biersack?  As in BVB front man, Andy Biersack's little sister?"

I looked down at the ground, wishing I could ignore the question, "Yes."


I looked up into his hazel-brown eyes.  It was nice to meet a fan that wasn't mad.

"I mean," he continued, in a way that suggested he was not quite so shy as I had first though, "I saw all those photos of you on twitter, but that's just paparazzi, they hate everyone.  But I guess you an Ashley are an item now?"

I was saved answering the question by Captain Thomas opening two big red doors into the lecture hall and telling us to take a seat.  I sat by Olli, but we were hushed into silence before he could talk about BVB anymore.

Jake's P.O.V.

"Where is she?" Andy stormed ,pacing back and forth in the centre of the bus, "How could I have fallen for the "school work" lie?  And how can you guys just sit there?" He turned to me and the guys, all sitting on the sofa.

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