And This Started with a Kiss?!

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Walking up the venue where the party was being held, it felt just like deja vu. It didn't help that I was wearing the same dress as that night, but CC had managed to almost destroy all my others by having a ketchup fight. He was still looking sheepish as he walked along next to me, my heels clicking on the pavement, but he had promised to buy me new ones to make up for it, so he was forgiven.

Ashley was walking along beside me, his hand round my waist. He seemed very over protective of me since I'd told him of my ambitions, but it was kind of sweet.

I looked over at Jinxx, who was like a lost puppy. He'd got a call off Sammi before we'd left saying tha she couldn't join us next week as planned because her mother had fallen ill and she was looking after her. Jake was next to him, trying his best to cheer him up, but not seceding.

Andy was walking in front of us, his long legs striding out and setting a racing pace. I did not expect him to be so relaxed about me sneaking out, but I had a feeling all his anger was going to be saved until the morning.

The music was already blaring loud, even though we were still outside.  When Andy opened the door I literally had to cover my ears at the noise.  I saw Ashley laugh and say something, although I had no idea what, but it must of been s dig at me as he smiled broadly and kissed my cheek.

Once we were in, Ash dragged me straight over to the dance floor.  He held me like we were ballroom dancing, and began waltzing around everybody else, laughing and smiling.  I could see the flash of cameras in the corner of my eye, but I didn't care.  As long as I was with Ashley, everything would be OK.

Bright red in the face and panting, we finally left the dance floor, much to the relief of everyone else.  We stumbled over to the guys, who were all sitting down with beers.  Andy handed one to Ash and a glass of coke to me.  I stared at it incredulously at the drink.  Andy was definitely still mad at me, usually he'd have to worries about giving me alcohol, but I could tell this was punishment.

"Andy," I yelled at him, although under the music it sounded more like a whisper, "Don't be like this."

The look he gave in return was enough.  A whithering stare, that barley hid the tears that refused to fall.  As he turned away I gripped his wrist and dragged him out the back door into a sort of courtyard.

"Torrie," he said as soon as we could hear ourselves think, "It doesn't matter."  He turned to go back inside

"It does!" I retaliated, "Why should what I want to do with my life be destroying us?"

He stopped and spun around to face me, "Because I don't want to lose you!  You're my little sister, my only family.  All we have is each other."

I felt tears in my eyes, yet refused to let them fall.

"We will always have each other.  No matter where we are, or what we're doing."

I felt Andy's arm wrap around me, and his warm breath on my neck.  Together we walked back into the party, andy's arm still around me shoulder.

And I stopped.

And stared.

And wishing that I had sunken into a bad dream.

I turned and ran back out the door and along the alley way that lead back to the street, vision blurred by tears cascading down my cheeks.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I watched as Andy and Torrie walked away from us.  Why were they always fighting?

I downed my pint of beer and called for a waitress to bring another.  Relaxing out onto the wine red sofa, I closed my eyes.

I heard my name being called, and before I could open my eyes I felt soft lips pressing against mine, and a hand on my shoulder.

"Torrie," I whispered into the kiss... but something was wrong.  As the world seemed to fall slient around me I opened my eyes, to be face to face with a girl I'd never seen in my life, and a video camera.

I drew away quickly, thanking that it had barely been for a second.  But over the shoulder of the camera man I saw Torrie, next to Andy, as she turned and ran.

I stood up, intending to go after her, but the girl grabbed me and pulled me back towards her.  And then I realised that I had seen her.  She was a fan, that fan, from the signing, what was her name?

Nikki!  Then it sunk in.

The photos and stories and everything, it all had that name on it.  Nikki Lint.

"What the hell?" I yelled, pushing her away, "And turn that camera off!" turning on the camera man and shoving the camera out the way.  I can understand why Torrie hates them so much.

"C'mon Ashley," said Nikki, trying to hold my hand, "You'd do anything for that slut you love so much, why not me?"

I could not believe this bitch!  My outrage was making speaking impossible, but the guys had crowed around, forming a barricade between me and the girl.  Andy was standing in front of me, a face like thunder.

"Never," he spat, "talk about my sister like that again!"

As one we turned and ran out into the street, not caring about the party any more.  There was just one thing on our minds.  Torrie.

Torrie's P.O.V.

I ran through the dark streets, not seeing anyone, and not daring to stop.  My mind kept flashing with the image of Ashley and Nikki.  Well if she had aimed to ruin my life she'd done a pretty good job.  I knew it was her that took the photo of me going to the barracks and of me and Ashley and of everything.

I began to slow down, panting as I tried to breath through my tears.  Looking around me I recognised none of the towering building or snaking roads.  The cold wind blew past me, causing me to shiver.  I drew my arms up around me, realising that a party dress and high heels aren't the best gear to run away in.

I had no idea where to go, or what to do.  I just wanted to get away from this place.  Up ahead I saw a bus stop and going over it quickly began reading the timetable next to it, searching for when the next bus would be.

"Hey there," growled a voice behind me.

I jumped a mile and spun around.  The man who had spoken was about 3 feet away from me, but was advancing, an empty bottle in his hand.  I backed away from the overpowering smell of alcohol, trying to turn back around and run.

But a grimy hand shot out and grabbed my arm, pulling back towards him.

"That's no way to behave," he snarled in my face.

Fresh tears running down my face I knew what was going to happen.  I've read about it enough in newspapers and seen it on the news.  I wanted to fight, to yell, but I had no energy left, who would listen anyway?

The man shoved me against the wall, causing me to scream in pain.

"Quiet!" he said, pulling his fist holding the bottle back and hitting me.  The glass shattered on the wall and I felt the sharp edges scrape my face.

The man began ripping at my dress and turning my head away, I froze.

In the dark it was hard to make out, but I was pretty sure it was really.  The flash of a camera, then the roaring engine of a motorbike, that drove off into the distance.

I closed my eyes, but my head was dragged back around as the man crashed his lips against mine.  The bottle in his hand was scraping down my arm, sending blood everywhere.  I felt my self blacking out, and just as my eyes fell shut again, I saw a light shining on me and decided to let it swallow me up.

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