Becoming a Photographer

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Nikki's P.O.V.

OMG.  I just met Black Viel Brides!  It was amazing, just completely.  They all looked so cool and Ashley looked so cute.

I was walking along the path with Nate to his car.   I glanced at him, but he was just staring at the pavement, hiding behind his black hair.  Oh well who cared.  I know he just came to this concert because I had a spare ticket, so I couldn't expect him to be that excited at meeting my heroes.

I took out my phone, flicking through my Twitter.  And I stopped dead in the middle of the street, staring, shocked at the screen.

"Nikki?" Nate asked, "What's wrong?"

"OMG!" I yelled and several people walking past gave us weird looks.

"What?"  Nate took my phone off me and almost dropped it in surprise.  "36,000 views.  In just under 2 hours.  Holy shit".

"Look how many people have re-posted it.  My name is in every BVB forum on the web!"

A plan was formulating in my mind.  I was going to be famous, no one would question me, if I could get close up photos of BVB. 

Torrie's P.O.V.

I could feel myself waking up, but kept my eyes shut tight, wishing I could sink back into my dream.  No cameras, no people, just me and Ashley, alone.  I felt Ashley shift under my head, but I just snuggled into him, I wasn't going to let him go without a fight.

 "Torrie," he mumbled, trying to move my arm from around him.

I gripped on to his t-shirt tighter and moved my head deeper into his chest.

"Torrie," he said again, laughing slightly, "Let go.  Jinxx," I heard him plea, "Help me."

The next thing I knew I was being dragged off my bed, landing with a crash on the floor.

"OW!" I moaned, "That was uncalled for!"

Ashley laughed, stepping over me, "Serves you right for not letting me go."

I starred at him from the floor, "Well you are a very comfy pillow."

Stopping just before he went down the stairs he said, "But this pillow needs to get ready for a signing event today."

I groaned.  More fans, more people and more cameras.  Great.

"It'll be fine," Ashley laughed, grabbing from the floor and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Let me go!" I yelled, hitting his back, "Put me down!"

Ashley laughed harder, going down the stairs, "Now you know how I felt!"

Andy's P.O.V.

"What happened last night?" Jake asked sitting beside me, as I stared at my bowl of cereal, "With I Torrie, I mean"

I dropped my spoon in the bowl and looked at Jake, trying to sum up what I was thinking, "She, doesn't like secrets."  I gripped my cereal tighter, trying to stop my hands from shaking, "She was always convinced that our parents were keeping secrets and she'd just lose it.  You should of seen her when I told her Santa Clause wasn't real," I laughed, "She threw her hamster out the window she was so annoyed."

CC looked up from his breakfast, sitting on the sofa opposite us, "Santa Clause isn't real?"

I was ready to throw something at him, too bad the only thing in my hands was my cereal, and I wasn't going to give up my food.  So instead I glared at him.

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