Unwanted Reunion

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Torrie's P.O.V.

The pain shooting throught my arm jolted me out of my sleep.  I must've rolled over and lead on my injury.

"Olli," I groaned, "Where are we?"

I kept my eyes closed, searching for his comfy shoulderto lean on as waited for his reply, but it never came.

"Olli?" I said again, opening my eyes and looking around me. 

I sat quickly and drew my up knees up so I was hugging them.  What happened?  How did I get here?  I glanced down at my arm and noticed the bandage had been ripped off, exposing my mutilated tattoo.  Where was everybody?

I wanted to run off the tour bus and far away.  I didn't know quite how I got here but I guessed Olli must've brought me.  Why would he do that?!  He knows-!  I paused in my silent rant, well perhaps he didn't know.  I didn't exactely explain what happened, how could he have known?

My legs shaking slightly, I stood up.  Walking to the light switch I flicked it on, to see my ghostly reflection in the mirror.

I looked dead.  Pale and weak, my eyes wide.  I reached up and touched my forehead, where there was the faint mark of Ashley's red lips.  They were performing tonight, of course, that's why the guys weren't here.  And Olli?

I sighed.  Why would he just leave me, when I asked for his help?  Do I mean nothing to him?  I turned my head away and caught sight of my suitcase tucked out the way beside the sofa.  Did Olli drag that here, as well as carrying me?  Wow.

Wait, no!  He still brought me back here!  And I can't stay.  I strode over to the door and tried to pull it open, but it wouldn't.  It was locked.  Locked!  Are they trying to imprison me?!  I began searching around, looking anywhere for a key, but there was none.

Kneeling on one of the sofas I tapped on the glass.  I could break it.  But then I saw someone standing outside, and looking over their shoulder at me.  Shit!  A bouncer.  I quickly ducked down, not wanting anyone to know I was awake, incase they told Andy.

Turning around so I was sitting on the sofa properly, I noticed by laptop beside me, just where I had left it.   I let out a cold laugh.  I run away and I'm only gone for a few hours, probably less, I'd no idea how long I'd been asleep.  Worst escape ever.

Slightly out of boredom and slightly becasue of hopelessness, I dragged the laptop over to me and opened it.  As the screen lit up I ssaw it was still on the "Requirements to Join the Army" page.  It'd bring a tear to my eye, or make me sad or angry.  I felt completely void of emotions.  I closed it down and opened up facebook.

No new notifications.

And Twiter.  Only tweets about the concert.  "What's it going to be like?  Am I going to be there?  Am I going to sing?"  Nobody even knows!  And nobody would care.  Then I saw something.  Olii had tweeted Andy, about me.

Fuck Sake!  They could've at least sounded worried that I'd run away!  Or that my dream was now smashed into pieces!  But at least it let me know where Olli was.  He had concert tickets, so put seeing my brother sing, above me.

People will always care about Andy more than me...

What am I saying?  Andy cares about me, doesn't he?  That should be enough, and Ash and CC, Jake and Jinxx.  They must care for me, think of everything they've done.  But none of them are here now, when I need them.

I looked up suddenly at the sound of the door opening, as CC came into view.  He smiled at the sight of me, but it fell as he saw my face.  I wanted to run to him and hug him, just at the releif of not being alone, but also, I wanted to be so far away from anything BVB, so I just sat there, like a rabbit in headlights.

"Torrie."  It wasn't a question, or the start of a sentence or satement, it was just, that.  To let me know that I wasn't alone, that there was no need to be frightened or worried. His slow footsteps came towards me, and I didn't struggle as he pulled me into a hug

"You OK?" he asked, finally.

I nodded into the hug, my arms wrapping around him.  I knew I was smuding his body paint, but CC didn't protest, just held me tighter.

"I have to get back to the stage, we're on in 5 minuets, just came to see if you were awake."

I pulled out of the hug.  He came.  CC!  I mean, there's nothing wrong with him, and he's a great friend and I will live him forever and ever, same with Jinxx and Jake, but it was meant to be Andy and Ashley who loved me, really loved me.

My thoughts must've reflected on my face, for CC said, "Andy and Ashley did want to come, but I knew they wouldn't want to leave your side again."

I tried to smile, but something was stopping me.

"You going to come back stage?" he asked standing up, "I don't think any of us would want to go on stage, knowing you're awake, and not seeing you."

I knew what he meant.  I would feel the same about any of them.  I nodded and tried to stand up, but all the feelings of rage and saddness I'd felt for the passed half hour or so had really taken it out of me.  CC's hand gripped me round my wasit to prevent me from falling over, and grinned at me.

With his arm around m shoulders, amd the other still on my waist, we got off the bus and walked through the steel door to back stage.  The guys were huddled together near the stage entrance, looks of concern etched on their faces.

"Torrie!" Ashley yelled as soon as he saw me, and rushed over, engulfing me in a rib breaking hug, picking me up and spinning me round.  This just made me dizzy and when he set me down just made me almost fall over, but Ash was right by my side, not lettin go.

"Black Veil Brides one minuet before you're on!" yelled a man with a clip board.

They all nodded to him, before turning back to me and Jake and Jinxx crowding round me for a hug as well.  As they pulled away, I saw Andy, standing awkwardly, like he didn't belong here.

I felt no sympathy for him.  What he'd done, whether knowingly or not, has done exactley what he wanted.  I could not join the army now, I could not even run away without being brought back.

He's my brother though, and it made the betrayal all the worse, but everything bad he's ever done to me couldn't be found in my mind.  All there was were memorys of when we were younger, him singing to me, putting way too much make up on me, hugging me as we stood by our parents grave.

Carefully extracting myself from Ashley's grip and using the last of my strength, I walked over to my brother and stood infront of him.

"I will never forgive you," my voice quivered and I stared into Andy's teary eyes, "But you are my big brother, and I will always love you."

Andy went to hug me, but a yell said, "Black Veil Brides on stage now!" so he just smiled and ran out on stage, waving to the crowd.

Moving slowly so I was right by the side  of the stage, I leant against the wall, I peered through at the crowd.  And there in the front row was Olli, and I felt my heart skip a beat...


I know this chapter is mostly the random ramblings of my mind but have no idea what to do next, or if I should end it or what, so please comment what you think.

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