Mind Games

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So sorry it's been forever since I last uploaded, I've had so much stuff happen in the last few weeks.  Anyway, hope this chapter isn't too confusing, remember to comment, vote, ect. and ENJOY!!! =)


I walked through the streets, head down and music blaring from my ear phones.  I wasn't going to listen to him, I couldn't.  He was trying to give me everything, and by doing so, was taking away everything I had.

I felt so lost.  I didn't know where I was, or where I was going, but it was more than that, I was lost in my thoughts.  Half of me wanted to be with Swift and let him take me away from everything, and the other half was shouting and screaming for me not to trust him.  Nothing made sense anymore.

"You always going to ignore me?"

I spun around at the sudden voice and saw Swift following me.  I shook my head, not at him, but to myself.  No, this wasn't happening!  I turned back around and continued walking, quickly down the street, almost sprinting.

"Torrie," Swift said in a teasing voice, keeping pace with me easily.

I turned the volume up on my phone and heard Ronnie Radke's voice battering my ear drums.  I almost felt Swift sigh at my stubbornness, but I couldn't let him in.

Torrie, he said in my mind, his lips not moving.

His hand slipped into mine.  It felt so warm, so real.  Why couldn't this be real?  Why can't-  Wait, no, Torrie, don't do this!

You can't run from me, he continued, I'll always be there, waiting.

I wrenched my hand out of his and turned savagely towards him.

"I don't need you Swift," I raged, "Get out of my life!"

A few passersby shot weird looks at me, but I didn't care.  I couldn't spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder for him.

I am your life, Swift answered, his voice echoing around my head.

"Get out of my head!" I yelled, screwing my eyes up, and running my hands furiously through my hair.

There was no reply.

Cautiously I opened my eyes.  I looked around everywhere, down every alley way and behind every building but he wasn't anywhere.  He had gone.

Fine, I'll leave, Swift said, For now.

And as his voice faded away, I felt the sting of his last words.  And I knew he meant it.


It's amazing what you can find when you look for it.  Only a couple of hours wondering around the streets and I'd already found £2.76 in dropped change.  It was now jingling in my pocket, mostly coppers, but there a few pieces of silver and a whole pound coin.

Finally I found my way to the main road and, turning left, I followed it to where bright letters were announcing the presence of a Tesco.  I hurried towards it.

I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours and was starving.  I know £2.76 wasn't exactly going to buy a banquet, but anything right now seemed good.  Crossing over the road, I rushed through the carpark and into the supermarket.

A few minuets later I came back outside, happily munching on a packet of crisps and clutching a bottle of coke.  There were a few benches at the other end of the car park, so I began to head towards them.

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