No, This Can't be Happening

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For the next week I didn't go to school at all.  Andy said that seen as I would have to complete my work without teachers for the next 9 months, I could start a week early, although he did warn that I had to start upping my grades or I'd be heading back to school.

As I threw my last few things into my backpack, I heard Andy calling from downstairs.

"Torrie, hurry up!"

"One minuet!" I yelled back.

Carefully I unstuck the picture of me, Andy, mum and dad from my wall and put it in my pocket.  I looked around my room one last time, before closing the door and skipping down the stairs.

The guys bags had already been dragged out the door.  My suitcase was in the porch, so with my back on my back, I wheeled it out and stood gobsmacked.

The bus was HUGE.  Double Decker and everything.

Andy laughed at my shocked face.

"This is traveling, rock star style," he laughed.

The driver took my suitcase from me and took it on the bus.  He went up the tightly spiralling stairs and I followed.

Upstairs there were six bunks.  Five already had bags on them, so I threw my bag onto the last remaining one.

"I thought Sammi was meant to be coming with us?" I asked Jinxx who was lying on his bed, flipping through a magazine.

"She called earlier," he explained, "Said she felt too ill.  She might be catching us up when we go to Europe in a couple of weeks though."

I smiled.  I liked Sammi.  When we went shopping last week she bought me a whole new wardrobe of, as she put it, touring battle gear.

As I climbed up on my bunk, Jake came up the stairs and hopped on his, above Jinxx's.

"Oh," he laughed as he noticed I was there.

"What?"  I asked.

Him and Jinxx exchanged looks.

"You're above Ashley's bunk," Jake snickered.

My face fell.  So much for always being there for me, these boys have left me at the mercy of Ashley as his army of sluts!

"What's above me?" Ashley asked, as he too came up the stairs.  Then he noticed me looking decidedly worried, "Ahhh," he jumped up along side me, "So you're my bunk mate," he laughed.

"Yes, I'm soooooo looking forward to it," I said sarcastically.

"Good," he put him arm around me and kissed me on the cheek, "'Cos you 16 soon and in Europe, that'll be legal."

"Ashley Purdy, you fucking man whore," I yelled pushing him away.

Jake and Jinxx were both laughing there heads off at my outrage.  They're just as bad as children, I swear.

"Hey, what's happening?" And said as he came up the stairs.

"Ashley's trying to rape me," I stated and I kicked him off my bunk.

Andy laughed as Ashley thudded against the floor, looked sorry for himself.

"Where's CC?" I asked.

"Emptying the fridge," Andy said.

I laughed, "How do you guys survive with a bottomless pit like CC eating everything in sight?"

"Oh, alcohol, baby," Ashley answered, still lying on the floor, looking like road kill.

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