True Love and Betrayal

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I was dead.

I knew it.  The light was heaven swallowing me up, although I was surprised I didn't go to hell.  But this wasn't how I thought heaven would be.  The ground was cold, and voices kept on swimming in and out of my hearing.  I felt pain beating through my body, why does it hurt?

"I think she's coming round," whispered a voice.

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open.  There were lights shining beside me, but other than that I couldn't make anything else out.  I tried to sit up.

"Stay there," a hand was on my bandaged shoulder and I flinched away as pain coursed through it, "Hey, hey, it's OK."

A face swam into focus, with a mop of black hair and a kindly smile.  I recognised him from somewhere,  but no idea where.  His hands cupped my head and lead it back down on something soft, which I realised must of been a jumper.

"Torrie, it's me."

I looked at the boy and then it sunk in.

"Olli?"  I asked, my voice quiet and weak.

"Yeah," he smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of my face, "Do you know what happened?"

As he said that my mind brought back the memories of what had happened.  I glancing hurriedly around me, I realised I was in the same street.  The lights must of been the headlights to the bus that was parked a gew feet from me, but I noticed that the man who had tried to rape me was no where in sight.

"Where is..?" I tried to ask but my voice trailed off, but I could tell Olli knew what I meant.

"He left, ran off when the bus pulled up.  We tried to call an ambulance, but none of us could get through."  He gestured at the group of 5 or 6 people who were gathered on the pavement which I previously hadn't noticed.

"Don't," I whispered, "Just," I sat up slightly and pulled my phone out.

26 missed calls.  OMG!  Andy!  Ashley, and all the guys.  I tried to get up, but Olli pushed me back down.

"You need to stay down, you might be in shock."

I glared at him, I knew he was right, but all I wanted to do now was see my brother, and my boyfriend... Ashley.  I passed my phone to Olli.

"Call Andy," I whispered.

He took the phone, nodding.  He scrolled through my contacts and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello.... No, it's not Torrie.... I'm Olli, a friend... No listen, she's hurt!... Yes, we're at Disan Way... Just get here..."  And he hung up, "They're on their way," he said turning back to me.

"All of them?" I asked, as the reason why I had run away came back into my mind.

He nodded and crouched down into a hug.

"Umm..." said a voice above me, "How long is this going to take?  I mean no offense..." he trailed off.

Olli stood up, in front of the man.  He must of been the bus driver.

"No, it's fine," Olli answered, "You can take your bus and go, someone's coming."

"Thanks," said the bus driver, firmly grasping his hand in a shake and turning, ushering everyone back on the bus.

As the engine roared and the bus pulled away into the distance, leaving us in darkness, I saw 5 figures in the distance, running.  5 fallen angels coming to save me.

"Torrie!" yelled Andy and he sprint to me, and skidded as he crouched down to hug me, "OMG!  You're alright!  Never do that again."

I melted in his arms, as the other guys tumbled around me in a giant group hug.

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