Sneaking Out

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I melted in Ashley's warm hug, waiting for his reply.  When it didn't come I looked up towards his face, and saw tears slowly tracing their way through his war paint he had yet to remove.

"Ashley," I whispered.

My voice seemed to bring him back down to reality and he looked back down at me.

"Why?"  he asked, his voice strained.

Breaking away from him and sitting on one of the bunks, I told him everything that had happened in the army supplies store.  About the Captain, about Andy and about dad.  Ashley sat next to me, listening, a slight frown creasing his forehead.

"You don't have to be in the army to save lives," he stated after I'd finished.

I turned to him, ready to retaliate, but before I could he continued speaking.

"Life is hard enough as it is, without adding the pressure of other peoples lives on the line.  There's still two months until the intake of new recruits, right?"

I nodded.

"So there's two months to think about it.  You have to be absolutely positive that it's what you want to do.  I don't want to lose you yet"

Ashley put his arm around me, dragging my head to his shoulder.

"Don't tell Andy," I whispered.

Looking down at me he said, "Don't worry about your brother,"  and leaning down, his lips brushed mine, and for the first time we kissed properly.  We lead down, my head on his chest, listening to the slow, rhythmic pounding of his heart.


I must of fell asleep, lying there,even though it was only early evening I was emotionally exhausted.  When I opened my eyes, the bus was dark and empty.  The only light was the shaft of moonlight coming through the gap in the curtains.  Sitting up and looking around I saw the empty bunks.  Where was everybody?

Dragging myself down stairs a sense of fear began prickling its way over me.  Constantly checking over my shoulder, something didn't feel right.  Catching something in the corner of my eye I let out of slight scream and jumped around to see what it was.  Then felt like an idiot as staring back at me was my reflection in the mirror, with still half my war paint on from that day, I guessed the other half had rubbed of the pillow, while I was asleep.

Walking into the bathroom, I flicked on the light.  The harsh, yellow glare stung my eyes, as I began running the hot water.  Feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket, I jumped a mile, but pulling it, out I felt myself relax, it was Andy.

I answered it, "Hey, where is everybody?"

There was no reply.

"Andy? Hello, can you hear me?"

A piercing scream came from the phone and I held it far away from my ear.

"Andy!" I yelled, "Andy!"

"Whoa, Torrie,"  I heard Andy's voice, "It's just fan girls, it's OK."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, "You scared me," I stated, feeling like an idiot.

I heard Andy laugh.  So sympathetic I don't think.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Party," he answered simply, "Just wanted to check that you were alright after, after everything."

"I'm fine, how long will you guys be?"

I heard Andy yelling something to one of the other guys, and them saying something back.

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