Concert Anger

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Torrie's P.O.V.

I sat on my bunk, rummaging through my bag of accessories.  Where is it?  I know I put it in here.  In one last attempt I tipped the whole lot out on my bed and began picking through the mass of tangled necklaces and bracelets.

"Now that's nice," I heard Ashley whistle as he saw the blood red, ruby necklace I had finally extracted.

I smiled at it, "It was my mother's," I explained, "She gave me before she...  Shouldn't you finish getting ready?  You haven't much time."

Ashley smiled, looking ridiculous in only half his war paint.  I couldn't help laughing.

He looked at me, an expression of mock sadness on his face.

"You know," he said dramatically, "I could always find another girl, who would love with my war paint half done or not."

At this I just laughed some more.  Ashley grabbed me round the waist and dragged me off my bunk to the floor, tickling me.

Shrieking with laughter I tried to push him off.  Unfortunately I didn't succeed.

Finally Ashley stopped.  Bright red in the face and side hurting from laughing so much, I struggled to my feet.

Ashley lay on the floor, looking up at me with warm, kindly eyes.  I would have loved time to stand still at that moment, so the feeling of love and happiness I felt could stay with me always.  But I swear God hates me.  Right at that spilt second Andy came up the stairs, already in all his gear, ready for the concert.

"Come on Ashley," he whined, "There's not much time.  And Torrie," he looked at me critically.  Was there something wrong with what I was wearing?

I had on my black top with the three red strikes down the side, black skinny jeans and black high tops, as well as my mother's necklace.

"Torrie, you need to sort your make-up out."

Ahhh, now it all makes sense.  Andy dragged me over to his bunk as he cracked out his make-up set.  I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Ashley go back downstairs, hunting for a mirror so he could finish his war paint, but there wasn't much time to look.

Andy was working his magic with his horde of black make-up.

Moments like these reminded me so much of when we were kids and Andy used to attack me with make-up.  Dad would shout at him, but always with a smile on his face.

"Whoa, Torrie, did I poke you in the eye?" Any asked, wiping away the tear at the corner of my eye.  I nodded my head, but he knew I was lying.

"Come on Torrie," he smiled, "We've got a show to perform."

OK, I should've guess when he said 'we've got a show to perform' but how was I to know that Andy was going to ask me to sing?

As they finished playing 'Fallen Angels' and the crowd yelled and cheered, Andy went to his microphone and shouted, "Up next we're playing 'Saviour'" cue loud, excited screams, "And with us we've got a very special person.  The one, the only, Black Veil Brides own little sister, Torrie Biersack!"

Before I could protest, Jake and Jinxx had already dragged me out on the stage.  100's of fans screamed their approval as one of the stage hands passed me a mic.

"You can do it Torrie!"  Andy yelled and the music started playing.

I looked to Andy for help, but he just smiled and nodded.

As I began singing all my doubts left me.  It was just me and Andy, fooling around like always, making idiots of ourselves, well me anyway.  Glancing at the crowd I remembered that they were here to see my brother, but I pushed out my mind as I began to sing the chorus.

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