A Fresh Start?

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So sorry that it's taken so long to upload, I could say I've been busy, but really I've been slightly lazy and had no ideas.  If you do have any ideas I would be forever in your debt.  Oh, and thanks for all of the comments and votes and fans, so sorry I haven't thanked you all individually, but hope FINALLY uploading will make up for it . =)


The home of French elegance, German engineering and British fish and chips!  But who cares, apart from the fish and chips, I have more important things to worry about.

Olli and Ashley were glaring at each other from their seats on the plane.  What was wrong with them? They'd both been acting frosty ever since Olli had arrived this morning.  One blessing though, everyone seemed to have forgotten about my birthday.  With everything that's happened, I really didn't want the attention.

I gripped onto Ashley's hand tightly.  What ever was wrong with him, I couldn't stop the excitement I felt bubbling inside of me.  Olli was siting on the other side if the plane, next to Jinxx and Jake, CC and Andy were near the back.  His excitement at being on tour with us seemed to have been killed when he saw Ashley.  Why are boys so confusing?!

For the whloe of the flight, Ashley said nothing to me, only muttered ominously, cracking his knuckles.  I ignored him, it was really the only thing I could do, no matter how much I wanted to talk to him.

Hours later, my ears ringing in the attempt to hear what Ash was saying, we landed.  I hated going through the airport customs, but this time seemed to be better.  As we left the plane, we lost sight of the others.  When Ash could no longer see Olli he cheered up a bit, even picking me up, bridal style, and carrying me past everyone else, trying not to drop me as we both laughed hysterically.

"Come on," Ash smiled, putting me back on solid ground, "Let's go get our luggage."

Still holding hands, we ran to the luggage collection, drawing many disapproving looks.  We met up with everyone else there, already with our bags.

"Thanks Andy," I said, giving him an over enthusiastic hug, long plane journeys always make me hyper.  He handed me my suitcase and I looked back at him with wide eyes and smiled, broadly, "Can't you carry it?"

Andy smiled back, "Well, I guess as it is your birthday."

Noticing the smile slide off my face, Andy stuck his tongue out at me.  So much for no one remembering it.

Our new tour bus was waiting for us outside the airport.  Throwing the door opened, I ran on, and straight into a bald, smiling man.  I jumped back, startled, hitting Jake behind me.  Jake laughed, hugging me and pushing forward onto the bus.

"Relax, Torrie," he smiled, "It's just Kev, the bus driver."

I smiled at him nervously, sketching a half wave before moving on to see the rest of the bus.  It was almost exactly the same as the old one, apart from it was right hand drive, not left, so everything was backwards.

I turned to the right, not the left, and ran up the stairs.  I claimed my bunk and jumped on it, catching my case as Andy threw it at me.  Everyone else came up and claimed their bunks, all in the same pairs as the old bus.  Olli ran up the stairs last and as he saw me, picked up me and hugged me.

I screamed, but laughed at the same time.  Olli carried me over to his single bunk and threw me down on it.  Jumping on next to me, he began tickling me.  Yelling and screaming with laughter, I tried to push him off, but everyone else just joined in.

"You're all horrible!" I shouted, still red in the face from laughing as they backed away.  Rolling into a sitting position, I looked up, and saw the scowl on Ashley's face.  What was up with him?

"Let's go get pizza!" CC yelled and ran down the stairs, Andy, Jinxx and Jake following him.  

I was about to follow, but looked back to Olli and Ashley, "You two going to come?" I asked, holding my hand out for Ash to take.

"No," Ashley insisted, "We'll be there in a minuet."

I shrugged, smiling at them as I ran after CC's shouts of pizza.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I watched Torrie leave, with a completely blissful smile.  I wanted to return her smile, but I knew it wasn't just for me.

"What do you think you're doing," I rounded on Olli, "Can you stop flirting with my girlfriend?!"

Olli glared back with just the same amount venom, "Why should you care?  Torrie doesn't seem to mind."

"She's only young, how is she to know-"

"She's 16, she knows!  And if she's so young why is she going out with an adult like you?  It's sick."

I felt the anger rise up in me at Olli's scowl, "How could you know what we have?  All you're doing in trying to destroy it!"

"I'm not destroying anything!" Olli spat, stepping towards me, "Torrie is free to choose if she wants me!  She asked me here, so she obviously wants me here!  And I've been there for her more than you, in fact, it seems to be from you she keeps on running from."

"Don't."  Ashley cautioned, "You know nothing of what she's been through.  Nothing!"  And I drew back my fist, ready to strike.

Olli's eyes went wide, but full of guilt not fear. "Torrie," he said.

Torrie?  I whipped around and saw Torrie standing at the top of the stairs, tears in her eyes.  She turned and ran, leaving us in echoing silence.

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