Chapter 2 - It Hurts

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I start pounding the doors and they suddenly open,making me stumble outside and almost faceplant. Before I could leave somebody held my hand restraining me from going,and saw a tanned boy with a cute quiff.DID I SAY CUTE? ERASE MEMORY.

"Hey,um really sorry for Louis' behavior and Harry's too.So, you want a lift home? Seeing you're alone with no transport."

"Eh,what the heck sure you can drop me home.Thanks" He takes me back to the bus and yells at someone.As soon as he yelled Stripe- Louis came and sat at the driver's seat.I told him the address and Zayn told me to hang on.I did not understand but after 5 minutes i understood and gripped the sofa for my dear life.The way Louis was driving was horrible and very very dangerous though we reached very quick at my place.As soon as i got out I ask Louis to wait because i remembered that I was doing a sleepover at Mir's place so I would like a lift there.He said yes though.

As I came closer to my house,I heard shouting and abuses. I'm tired of this everyday!! My mom and dad constantly fight and abuse each other as soon as Dad returns  from work.It's so wrong! We were a happy life before all the drama. I sigh as i unhappily made my way inside the house and saw Marcus cowering near the living room.That is when i decided i am going to run away from the house with my younger brother.I quickly made my way to my room and packed my bag with my clothes,electronics,girl things and made my way to Marcus' room and started packing his stuff and his Buzz Lightyear soft toy and take his razor and put it in my bag.I take my credit card and loose change and go downstairs towards my parents room and take the pack of smokes and lighter and extra money and put it in my bra.I quietly go towards the living room and take my 14 yr old brother's hand and run outside and take him towards the bus and put the bags down and tell him to knock on the door and to tell the boys to wait for me.He nods.

I quickly run towards the house but stay away for good meters and open the pack of smokes and light it with the lighter and realize the lighter can only light one smoke and after lighting i throw it away.I start smoking and realize some one is behind me only to meet with blue eyes and I take a step back and see it's the Irish Bloke.He see's my smoke and snatches it away from me and throw it down and stamp on it.


"It's not good for health" he replies. Grr.

Niall's Pov (Before Amy left the bus)

Wow.Her features are so pretty her soft pink lips and all her curves at the right place.I want her to be mine.She suddenly opens her eyes and I see her dark brown eyes and she asks where she was.After explaining her eyes widen and she starts screaming some pretty words and runs towards the door and start pounding the door and screams to let her out suddenly Zayn enters and opens the door by pushing the button controlling the door and before she can faceplant he catches her by the waist.I felt a pang of jealous and saw them talking and shortly she came inside and sat on the couch.Suddenly the bus jerked foward with such speed that I saw Amy holding the couch for her dear life.Hmm Louis must be driving.After a while we reached her home and I saw her talking to Zayn and telling him to wait.A little while later a knock came and i saw a boy with tears in his eyes telling that Amy is coming.I panicked thinking what happened and I ran towards the house,and heard abuses and shouts.Suddenly I see some smoke coming from somewhere.I run towards it.

Zayn Pov

Amy is just wow!She is perfect in every way and so fit.Her soft kissable lips-Zayn stop it you have a girlfriend. As soon as I saw a little boy saying that Amy is coming,I saw Niall run towards the house.I felt jealous,I don't know why.


I suddenly felt like crying and broke down and went towards the Irish bloke and started sobbing in his chest while he rubbed my back.

"Sssh.What Happened love?" He asked

I told him everything since the day they started and my habit of cutting to let go of my frustation.As I looked up I saw his tears almost spilling out.He looked so sad and sweet.I felt butterflies in my stomach after meeting this bloke that I don't even know the name of.

"Uh this is embarassing,but what is your name? Mine is Amy."

He looked surprsied but replied "Niall,now let us go back to the bus.Do you have to go anywhere to go?" 

"YEAH,I am going to be staying at my best friend's place."


After reaching the bus,I was attacked by questions but I refused to answer any of them and started looking for Marcus.I found him in one of the bunks sleeping.After telling the address of Mir,I made my way towards the couch and start feeling sleepy and fall asleep

-When reached Mir's place-

I woke to the sound of bad singing and I realized we had reached Mir's place.As soon as I rung the door bell and Mir opened the door and suddenly she broke down on me while sobbing


OH well that was short -.- sorry guys so busy :/






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