Chapter 12- {Part 3} Problems Much?

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Guess who had to write the chapter again?

Mir Pov

It is almost Christmas and I have still not bought anything for Luke. I am an idiot. Haha but tonight is not the night I think. I am so gonna get wasted. I thought before going to the bar.

"Hit me with the strongest alcohol. I am so getting wasted." I demanded,as I said to the Bartender. He just chuckled in reply and gave a vodka Bottle!

"Here you go. This is our strongest." He told. I just nodded and held the bottle before gulping it down and felt the burning sensation go down my throat. I nodded at the bartender to give more. He just smirked.

After downing 5-6 bottles I felt free. I mean I was wasted.

"Hey,what's your name?" The Bartender asked me.

"It's Mira-a-anda but you can call me Mi-i-i rrrr.....!" I slurred real bad. "W-w-what is yours?"

"Perrie." The Bartender replied before I blacked out.

The Bartender / Perrie Pov

Mir blacked out and kinda fell on the floor. Must have had too much to drink. I dragged her out,from the back door and threw her in my range rover. I messaged Luke that our deal is over. Immediately a reply came back for an explanation. I just ignored it and drove back to Mir's house, which was at least a 2hours drive. I reached just as soon as the door opened of the house and came out a fuming Zayn.

This is not going to be fun explaining.

Amy Pov

"Ms.Hudson, I am pretty sure you know what the problem is. Am I right or am I right?" Mrs.Winters told to me in a rather annoyed and saddened voice.

"Yes,I do know what my problem is. But i just cannot help it. Drugs and smoking has become a part of me. And now.. I just cannot stop." I reply.

"Amy...It's just not that..."

"Huh? What is it?"

"You,you have tumor."

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