Chapter 11- Are those my boxers?

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I woke up and saw Liam missing. Must be getting ready. I go to the kitchen and eat a PopTart for my breakfast. I quickly go up to my room and change into...Wait I don't have any clothes -__- Idiots who didn't bring our clothes. I go to Niall's room and take a T-shirt and boxers. I quickly change and go outside to the garden. I start practicing my boxing skills. Yes me,a girl box's. As I was practicing my arm swings,I felt something soft hit my fist. And then I heard a low groan. Wait...what? I look down and see I hit Liam on his eye really hard and he was already getting a black eye. Suddenly he fainted. I pick him up bridal side and take him to the kitchen and making him sit on the stool. He is not heavy at all. Who the fuck said that? I open the fridge and take out an icepack as soon as Danielle walked in rubbing her eyes with a robe on. Oh she gets a freaking robe and we get no clothes. Real mature guys. I dab the ice on Liam's eye and then slap him to wake him up.

That did the trick. He woke up in a hurry and groaned in pain cause of the slight concussion. Danielle came up to me in a hurry.

"What happened?" She questioned.

"WellikindapunchedLiamintheeye.ByaccidentIswear" I say quickly.


"I kinda punched Liam in the eye. By accident I swear." I say slow. Really slow cause I see the annoyed face of Danielle. Well we are starting on the wrong foot.

"What?!?! You fucking punched him in the face?! What the hell were doing?" She screamed. Well she takes this really nicely. Note the sarcasm.

"Actually she did it in the eye, Dani" Liam butts in.

"Shut up Liam." Danielle says. Well ain't she just a bag of chocolate.

"Dude what's up with the shouting?" Harry comes in shirtless I must say. Woah.. those abs. And those tattoos. What would it feel like under my fingers? I suddenly shake these thoughts away from my mind and I ignore the fact he's naked.

"Harry!" I scream.

"What?! Im right next to you,Amy! I'm not deaf" Well someone is in a pissy morning mood.

"Take me shopping. Mir and I have no clothes."

"Yeah! We have no clothes" Mir says out of nowhere. I must know where the heck does she pop out of thin air. I make a mental note to ask her later.

"Fine. Let me change and we can go shopping." Harry says.

"You guys are really idiotic. You bought your clothes. You bought Danielle's clothes but not ours. Real smart Harry." Mir says.

"It was not my idea. It was Louis'." Harry tells, sending shivers down my spine. That name really scares the crap out of me. He looks fun on the outside but on the inside he is broken. Nobody knows that except me. I come out of my mind-wandering and snap back into reality.

I saw Niall coming and I smiled softly at him he smiled back and look confusedly at me.

"Are those my boxers?"

**********{Le Mall}

Harry drove us to the mall and while he was parking,we were already inside in one of the shops. When I passed by one of the shop mirrors, I facepalmed. I was in Niall's T-shirt and boxers. I am so smart. That is why the customers and salesmen were giving me weird looks. I picked out a few clothes consisting of shorts,tank tops,jeans,leggings,shirts, Graphic T-shirts and 1 dress. Ok that was not few. At least I took less than Mir. She had maybe every dress in the store in her basket. Suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and heard Harry asking where we're we. I told him we were at Macy's. He quickly came running in and took all our clothes leaving a cheque on the cash counter and started running. He was stuffing each clothing in the plastic packets.

"Oi! Those are new!! Be careful" Mir said annoyed.

"Shut up! Unless you want to get mobbed by fangirls you can go back" Harry replied annoyed also.

"Ok both of you chill. Harry give me your wallet and wait in the car without getting caught." I said.

"Take it from the back pocket." He said smirking slightly. Cheeky bastard.

I took out the wallet with a lot of problem cause of his extra skinny jeans. How does those legs fit in those?I drag Mir into Victoria's Secret. I grabbed as many underwears as I could in 1 basket including Mir's and payed for it. Last stop is for shoes and accessories. Hollister! Yay. As I walked into the shop,the 1st and the last person I wanted to see. Eleanor. Ever since she broke up with Louis, she blames me. She always hated me and blames me for everything wrong with Louis. I mean what the hell Is wrong with her! Just cause I came before her,not in that way...she got jealous. I just walked pass her and ignored her. I bought all I needed and was going when Eleanor called out to me.

"Amy! Please wait"

"What is it Eleanor?" I say clearly annoyed.

Mir Pov

I clearly saw Amy annoyed. She was beyond pissed at Eleanor for something even I don't know. I see them bicker for a while about apologising etc. But i was too busy checking out some clothes for myself to care. Suddenly the lights go out and it's only darkness around me,alone. You know why? Cause I was in the changing room,trying on a dress. I felt something against my mouth and I inhaled it before passing out.


Dun Dun Dun...
:O Mir...what do you think happend to her?

xD to find must complete the goal!



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