Ch7- Run Bitches Run

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Bahamas.Bahamas.The same place that haunts me.The place I lost my innocence and virginity. I was raped and assaulted. My brother was almost killed and My parents touring the world.When they came back they did not bother to ask what happened. I hope not to meet the guy, or my ex who assaulted me.

when I look up, I see the boys in tears.I hope I didn't say that out loud.

"Yes,you did.Amy we didn't know.We are so sorry.If only we knew."

"Its ok guys,its not like I am going to meet him right?"

"If I am not being rude.Who is he?" Niall asked

"Justin Bieber" I say calmly

"The Justin Bieber? the singer?"

"Yea...He was my ex before the fame.Then we lost contact.Now he tours world and stuff."

"Yea.Hey lets go for a swim." Mir suddenly says.When the fuck did she wake up?

"Um..yea bout that,we didn't any of your clothes." Zayn spoke.

"Run bitches.Run" I said calmly before untying Mir.I nodded at her,and as soon as we looked back,we saw the boys running while tripping over their feet.I mentally facepalmed. "Ready" "Yep"

And we ran after them,its awesome to be the best athelete in school.Hmm.Then I had an Idea.

"I have bacon..." I screamed.As I calculated,Niall came running out of nowhere.And fell on me."Where's the bacon..?"

"Are you that naive?" And with my trustee sidekick-OW! Fine Fine my Bestfriend, I dragged Niall to the room where they tied us up.He was too dazed to realize.Hehe...

I came out of the room and whispered the next phase in Mir's ear.She frowned.Obviously she has a thing for Zayn..

"Lol,Mir so funny.Hey is that Zayn's mirror?" I said while taking a glass vase next to me. "OOPS" I drop the vase and immediately heard footsteps coming from upstairs.As soon as he saw the glass pieces he started...crying?Woah this guy has issues."Zayn I didn't break your mirror,I am now gonna break it on your head" With that i hit mirror on his head.He faints,but the mirror has no damage.Strong mirror.I drag him back ALONE to the room where Niall is tied and dump him there. Niall is usual.-.-

Next victom...Liam. "OMG! THERE'S A SPOON MONSTER BEHIND YOU LIAAAAAAM!!!! RUNNN" He came running out of nowhere and ran into a wall.I swear these boys have issues.I drag him also back to the room.ALONE! WHERE THE FUCK IS MIR!?!?!? 

Next Harry..."Mir,can you help me opening this bra? Harry is not there to help me." Harry jumps out of the closet behind me.I jump and turn around. 

"Need help in opening the bra?" He said,smirking.

"No but you will need help" And i knee him in groin.Ouch thats gotta hurt. He started rolling on the floor holding his penis. Before I knew I was on the floor. Harry was held my leg and made me fall down.WTF? He suddenly hovers me..holding my knee.His face away from mine only inches away.Woah this guy needs a breathmint. 

"You do realize you are very heavy and your breath stinks like shit.And Get the Fuck off me"

"Ouch! So,you're telling me that I am fat and my breath stinks." He said rolling off me and is hit on the head by a frying pan...who hit him with that? MIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Finally bitch you come."  I said. "Sorry I had to use the loo"I rolled my eyes.

"Now Louis...." I said rubbing my hands. "Yeah,what are we going to do?" "First drag Harry back to the room." "Kay"....

After a while she comes back and I whisper the PLAN in her ears.

"LOUIS!!!! ALL THE CARROTS ARE GONNNNNE! A RABBIT BROKE IN AND ATE IT--" "Aww aint that an adorable bunny" Mir interrupted me.


"Here Louis" And as he turned around I hit him with a frying pan. Well he is in pain..uh he has fainted. OOOOKAAAAY! I drag him back into the room where the boys are.

I bring out a pair of scisssors outta my back pocket and start advancing towards Zayn.As I kneeled down to his level,I took some of his hair and snipped it of.Easy as that. Next Harry...I bought some of Niall blonde dye and dyed Harry's hair while Mir straightened it. He looked so funny :P

Liam...I doodled some pictures of spoons on his hand and put spoons in his clothes,hands and mouth. Louis has a been put in a room with broken Lamborginis toy cars,headless Harry Styles doll and Rabbit eaten carrots. We are evil....

Niall was last.I put some spoilt food infront of him,painted his face green...and kind of drew tattoos of stickmen on his body with a sharpie. Done. Mir and I have to find a place to hide. ASAP. I left a note saying that next time worse that no clothes,worse their situation...

"Leggo!!!" I said taking off to a hidden room. After few minutes or so I heard screams and calculated that they found out about their situation.I kept hearing LIAM banging on a wall. Lol...

"MIR!!!!!!!! AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry screamed





"Run bitches run. Cause we are coming" Harry said and at that moment the lights went off and I gave a look to Mir saying maybe we took it too far?



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