Chapter 13 - And Then I Banged My Head

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Harry Pov

To say I was worried my ass off,was an understatement. When Mrs.Winters kicked me out of the room I was literally biting my nails,like when Niall does when he is nervous. However, If Niall actually liked Amy,he would have come and not getting drunk off his ass with depression.

Suddenly I heard shouts. To be more specific, angry Irish shouts...And my mind instantly clicked. I ran towards the shouts and was shocked to see the sight in front of me.

Mir Pov

Hoping to see my Zayn. Uhhh I mean Zayn,I wake up to find my Goose,Giggles nuzzling me. (What? Do not judge me. I love animals.) 

I nuzzled the animal back and kissed it on its beak only to hear the beautiful voice of the boy I have come to love.

"Huh? So the Goose gets whatever it wants without asking and I,even when I ask do not get anything. Very nice,Miranda. Very good." Zayn said in a very angry but playful tone.

"Aww Zayn,you know you will always be my favourite..-" I was interrupted by a very loud Quack made by Giggles.

"I mean,after Giggles of course." With that I stood up real fast and all most fell but was caught in Zayn's arms. It would have been a really romantic scene if there were no Goose quacking or hearing obnoxious phone rings or even continuous stares of the neighbours through their windows. I wiggled out of Zayn's arms and quickly rolled down the blinds. Okay...that was creepy. Now back to my Zayn... as I turned around, I saw Zayn being carried away and me suddenly covered over in a large glass case. Like the ones where water is stored in ships. (A/N: If u have seen Ghost Ship,then the glass case where Murfy is drowned,that's what I'm talking about)

Out of nowhere,Luke came infront of the case and tapped on it twice and with that a toxic gas was released in the case and I fell,hearing a distant Bradford accent saying my name.

And then I banged my head with someone.

"Ow!! Mir! Are you OK?" Liam asked, while rubbing his forehead. So I must have banged my head with his. Wait, Luke coming in and me in a glass case was just dream. Thank God.

"Err,what happened? And where is Giggles? And why the heck is Zayn still calling my name?" I asked in a very annoyed tone.

"Lol ok first this is not 20 questions. Second,You were brought here to your house by Perrie. Third, Giggles is with Niall(XD, can you relate the Hospital scene now?) and Zayn is crying cause you were saying Luke in your dreams. To be honest the way you were saying Luke was like you were killing him.Haha. I will call Zayn. Wait a second..." With that Liam ran to the kitchen to bring Zayn. When Liam came back, he was crying with his phone is his hand and with No Zayn. My immediate reaction and response was

"Danielle broke up with you,right?"

He just nodded with a lot of tears and that broke me.He looked like a puppy who lost his mum forever. I walked to him with wobbly legs and took his phone out of his hand and Hugged him. Immediately he hugged back. With a lot of force I must say. He must be truly broken. I just patted his back and pulled back.I dug into the back pocket of my short only for my hand to slip down. When I looked up and down at myself... I blushed and realised that I was wearing that short dress since last night and was infront of Liam,who is like my brother. When I looked up again, Liam just gave me a look that meant he understood.

Well this just got a lot more awkward.

Niall Pov

I was called by Zayn to Mir and Amy's house while I was on my way to the hospital. I quickly ran to the car and jumped when I saw what was inside the car. Amy's pet cat. did get inside my car God knows. I hopped in the car,without waking the kitten up and drove past all the signals without the police catching up. I ran out of the car and through the door of their house only to be smacked at the back of the head by Liam because Zayn was kissing Mir's head and she was resting in a short dress... Ok then... I awkwardly stood there with Liam for about 5mins then was addressed by Zayn

"Aaye Niall!"

"Yea Zayn. YOU had called me in a very hurried tone. Is everything OK?" I asked Zayn.

"No everything is not ok."

"Woah, what's wrong?Is it important? " I asked kind of panicked now.



"You have the most important job to do. Walking her goose."


XD Relatively longer than shit I write. XD
Kky guys...later :>

Oh Guys... I won't be updating cause I have my exams. For like 3 weeks ;3
So yea... bear with me. Or is it Bare? Idk... frankly speaking IRDGAF yayayaya!!! <3

Omfg!! What the frickle frackle?!!!!
Today is such an Auspicious day,

Liam is 21 today!!
But u will always be to me my 16yr old who had no kids at his 16th but over er meh Gawd idk 80000 people. Idk... I just need space. Oh Gawd ..

And omfg Calum's Nudes omg! And he admitted. I need an inhaler. Obviously I Need to be hospitalised cause of all this hotness...

How can a simple 29th August be like "Mark your calenders,Its 29th August. Shit is gonna happen." Like whaa?

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