Chapter 12- {Part 1} Job = Money

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Amy Pov

I was arguing With Eleanor when the lights went off. I stopped speaking and heard a muffled cry from the changing room. I was a little tense. Where was Mir...?

"Mir? Can you hear me? Mir! Where are you? We have to stay together! Mir?!" I shrieked getting panicked. I suddenly felt a surging pain in my left leg. Like something was poking or...injecting. Oh no. That was all I remembered before passing out.

Harry Pov

I do understand that girls take time to shop. But not more than 1 hour. I tried calling their phones but it was unavailable. I saw a suspicious white SUV roll out of the mall parking in a really high speed. I decide to go inside. Suddenly I was pushed by the...paramedics? Woah...what happened?  Is everything OK? I hope the girls are fine. I see the paramedics go towards Hollister and come out with a girl on the stretcher. Not just any girl. Amy. My eyes widened at that. Eleanor was running behind them. I stopped her by holding her arm and turned her around.

"What us going on? Why are they taking Amy to the hospital? Tell me!" I screamed at her while shrugging her.

"Harry! Calm down! I think...I think-" Eleanor stuttered.

"What?!  What do you think Eleanor?!" I screamed at her literally seeing tears pour out of her.

"I think Mir is Kidnapped. Amy is going to suffer..." She says straight on bawling her eyes out. I feel bad for her now. She and Louis recently broke up and now this.

"Look I'm sorry. Its just that I love her and

I'm scared about her and Mir. You go bring the other and inform them while I go to the hospital straight. Ok? Everything will be alright." I say while slightly wiping her tears.

She suddenly hugs me. I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside me when she hugged me. No dude. She's your best friend's ex-girlfriend. I move back and quickly start the car and go to the hospital.

Eleanor Pov

I quickly go towards my car but I hear my boss calling out to me that she will fire me if I go. I just flipped her off and quickly drove back to the house I promised to stay away from. I park the car when I reached and rang the doorbell hard. I rang until I heard someone screaming that he or she was coming. The door opened slightly revealing the person who opened the door. Of course. Louis out of all the people in the house. He was looking beyond pissed.

"Loon before you scream at me. I just have to give some very important news. just let me in.For 5 mins only. I swear." I say nicely.

"Fine. But you have only 5 mins."

"Guys!  Eleanor wants to tell you something important." Louis screamed. All of them came down and stared at me Confused. I told them everything leaving the Harry emotional part. I hear someone's phone ringing. Well it was Zayn.

Zayn Pov

I pick up my phone from an unknown number only to hear a known  raspy voice speak.

"Zayn...Please help me. You have to save me from these monsters. They are going to- Aaaah!!" I heard Mir scream.

"Mir! Mir!!!" I shouted but came no reply. Suddenly I heard a very deep unknown voice speak.

"Zayn...keep this on speaker phone. I want everybody to hear this."

"Who is this?!? And what have you done To Mir?!?" I scream at the phone,which is kept at speaker.

"Hahaha. You amuse me Zayn. But back to the point. I have your LOVE OD YOUR LIFE and SOULMATE or whatever lovey-dovey shit you say to each other. I want money. Loads and loads of money. Maybe more than 10M pounds here." It says.

"But we can't afford that much. We don't havr that much. It is not in our contract." Liam butts in.

"I don't care. I just need the damn money. Oh and dont involve the police or Simon cause they won't listen. Oh and 1 more thing, Mir is really great in bed." With that It hung up the phone.


Ta dum das! 
xD I know short. But this chapter gonna divide into 5 parts...:O

what's up with Harry...?

Do you ship HELEANOR? xD

Next Goal


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