Chapter 17 - Truth or Lies?

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Amy Pov

As Harry and I were snuggling (As friends) my phone rung and the caller Id showed Louis. I asked Harry to leave the room as I wanted to talk about "it" without any interruptions. As soon as Harry left, I started sobbing and picked up Louis' call.

"Hello?" Louis spoke from the other side.

"H-He-Hello Louis?" I tried to control my sobbing so he wouldn't get to know, but it seemed like it failed cause he hung up and I knew he was coming here.

I started screaming because I can't take it anymore.Lies lies and more lies.

Harry must have heard the screams and came rushing in with Stella behind him. I thought in my mind that Stella is lucky to have him. Cause I obviously will not when he finds out.

Harry Pov

I went out of the room, worried about her but as soon as I saw Stella come towards me, I forgot about Amy.

"Hey Harry. Still here? It's almost 11 o'clock in the night. Go home. I'm there." Stella said, concerned.

"Stella, hush. I'm okay. It's her I'm worried about." I said with a grumbling stomach.

"Looks like someone is hungry, huh Harry?"

"Yea.." And with that she gave me a juice can and a sandwich.

"Eat up. It's my dinner, but I'm cool. I can stay without food."

"No, I, Harry Styles shall not eat a lady's food and starve her." I said trying to be posh. Stella just gave me a look.

"Fine. Break it into Half." She said. Annoyed.

I broke it but as luck was on my side, one half was bigger, one half was smaller. Stella quickly took the smaller half and ate it while giving a smug look. I just glared at her.

Suddenly, a scream emitted from Amy's room and Stella and I ran inside.

Amy was just crying and sobbing and from the corner of my eye, I saw her phone broken into pieces. I quickly went up to her and gave her a hug while whispering in her ears to calm down and when finally she did, I saw she fell asleep.

Stella gave me a sympathetic look and went out of the room.

The Next Morning.

Niall Pov

Early in the morning getting a call is not cool. But when it's about your crush then I think it's fair.

Harry had called about 8 in the morning and asked me to come and take care of Amy which I totally agreed. Like who am I to say no? I quickly got ready and rushed to the hospital. As soon as I reached her ward, I heard talking. I could identify Amy's voice and Louis? What could he want?

As I was almost opening the door, I heard Harry's voice calling for me and I turned around and forgetting about the door for a moment. Harry just smiled at me and waved at me. As he came close, I could see brightness and happiness practically radiating out of him.

"Looks like someone is happy?" I said, smirking a little.

"Yeah.." Harry replied.

The door to her ward opened and as I suspected Louis came out of the door. He just smiled at us with a little sadness in his eyes. Or maybe it was my imagination. I quickly went into her room and saw with a grimaced face with a thoughtful expression as if she was debating over something.

She turned her head and looked at me and immediately her frown turned upside down. Which means she is happy to see me? Yay! I quickly went to her and hugged her with her hugging me back with a lot of force.

When I tried to pull back, her grip became tighter and I could feel her sobbing.

And she was trying to say something "Niall? Call everyone. I need to tell you all something."

"Everyone as in Louis,Liam, Harry,Zayn and Mir?" I asked, confused.

"Yes." She replied.

Few Hours Later, around 3pm in the afternoon.

Amy Pov

Here they are, ready for me to say about my disease.

I just waved at them and they replied with a smile. A comforting smile.

"Guys? I have to tell you something" I said.

They all nodded. Louis with a shake of his head trying to indicate that not to say about IT.

But I had to.

"I have Lung Tumour. 3rd Stage." I continued, awaiting their reactions.


Okay then. That was crap. xD

So FOUR has been illegally downloaded by a lot of people. After it was Leaked.  Yet people gonna buy it. Cause why not?

-Claps for One Direction Fandom-

Anyways, this book gonna end in about 5-7 chapters. And then I'm going to write a new Fanfic. Cause I have a lot of ideas. Ok.

Love You.

Kik: Funny_fishy

Ig: Niallishealthy

Twitter: narryishealthy

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