Chapter 9- No..Just No.

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                             story has alot of POV changes and conversations sorry bout that. Btw it is a weird story. Bye.


As soon as I wore my shirt Harry burst into the room. "There is something called knocking Harry" 

"Couldn't help it" He said grinning. I roll my eyes. "Ok what's up with 'Seeing me naked'? I know you are a pervert. But seriously" I say hitting him on the arm. Hard. " Ok first ow. Second You really are fit. And pretty. I can't help it. I get hard seeing you" I look down and see a bulge and my eyes widen.

"Ok I am stamping you as CREEPY AS HELL" At that Harry crossed the room fast and came really close to me.

"Hello Harry go a little far away...I don't like this closeness..."

"But I like it." He said in a rather deep and send voice near my ear. It sent shivers through me.

He was closing up,leaving no space between us only to let his lips hover over mine before attaching them to mine. His lips were rough and with the eagerness full with Lust. I didn't kiss him back cause I was in shock. His lips were nothing compared to Niall's. He started to nudge me to kiss him but I denied and didn't move my lips. I suddenly understood what happened and pushed him away. He looked shocked. I was shocked.

"What the fuck Harry? Why did you kiss me?"

"Because you told me to." He said nonchalantly.

"What? When? I didn't tell you. I didn't even give signals. What the hell?"

"Wait.. you don't like me?"

"No Harry I don't like you. I like somebody else. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry if I gave you wrong signals."

"Who is the guy? Wait it's Niall right? Oh God. Why am I so stupid? I should have not kissed you. You might be thinking me as a pervert.Oh God. I am so sorry."


"No.. Just No Amy.It's my fault. I will just get out of the way." And with that he left the room. When he left the room I felt little hurt. And sad but I don't know why.

Niall Pov

Harry came down the stairs with swollen lips. Oh no they kissed. She must have liked his kiss more than mine. He just looked at me and went away to his room on the ground floor. Ok I'm confused. What happened? I decide to go upstairs. When I reach Amy's room which is not hard cause each person's room's door has their name written on it. Before I could open the door, Louis came and opened the door and saying a quick sorry before locking it. Now I know it's wrong to eavesdrop but I'm curious. I catch only bits of conversation. It seems like they know that I'm listening to their conversation.

"Louis I can't do this. He his too sweet"

"You have to do it Amy. That is the Deal. Isn't it? Or have you forgotten? I want it done before we go from here."


"No buts Amy. Now Niall is waiting outside. Talk to him or whatever. Bye" I immediately moved away from the door earning a suspicious look from Louis. As I enter the room Amy looks up from her lap and gives me a small smile. I sit on the bed next to her. Suddenly she jerks her head and stares at me. Ok this is kinda creepy. Now her eyeballs are huge wait is she shaking.

"Amy..what's wrong?"

"Sp-Sp-spider!!! Aaaaah"

"Where?!?" I turn around and see a huge spider on the door. I take off my shoes and aim for it. I throw the shoe and it hits the spider perfectly. Yay!

"You have a fear of spiders, Amy?"

"Pfft n-no. I'm not scared of anything."

"There's a spider behind you" Let's just say that was not the smartest move.

**********[that evening]

We were just lazying around doing absolutely nothing. I should have not told Amy there was spider. She fucking screamed and jumped on me making me fall and scratched me. I mean who the fuck scratches a person cause of a spider.

Zayn Pov

Mir was laying on my lap and I was playing with her hair.

"Zayn did you belive Zerrie? Ever?" Mir asked me.I was taken aback with that question.

"I was going to ask her to marry me. Well that turned out a fail didn't it?" I said trying to fit a joke. Well that made things more awkward. She got off my lap and kind of straddled me.

"Zayn,I like you. I like you alot. I maybe in love-" Her voice breaks. Oh God. She loves me? I don't want her rebound. Suddenly she attaches her lips to mine. Her lips were so soft and warm. She asked for permission.I allowed.



"I love you too"


Done! Hoped you liked it.

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