Chapter 15 - Who is the random girl with red hair?

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Harry Pov

I saw the police officer dragging Niall off... Meh. Serves him right.

Suddenly I feel something poking me. To be precise,a beak. When I turned around, I saw a really pretty red head. Her blue eyes were so captivating, that I'm pretty sure I kept staring until she spoke

"I know I'm sexy,but dear dear Harry Styles it's very rude to stare. And I'm not goin to beat around the bush and going to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Stella, 17 and from New York. And yea... I have a crush on you." With that she gave the Goose and cat,wait was the cat there? And when I petted the cat,I saw a chit there with Stella's name and number. I felt my cheeks burning.

How can she affect me so Quickly? And what about Amy? Shit. I quickly ran back to the hospital and towards her ward. But something stops me from going inside. And I eavesdrop. I know that's wrong but I had to know. I heard muffled sounds and some words I could make out..but one word stood out..


Louis Pov (Woah)

Ok Ok maybe getting Mir a Goose was a bad idea. I was called by Harry to the hospital to take away the animals, when I came and was taking them, our hands touched and I got a weak tingly feeling. And Oh My God,his curls were so Oh..I was wanted to rush my hands through it.

Ok Ok,getting a bit Carried away Louis I scolded my inner conscience. I took away the animals and went back to the shared house of Mir, Zayn and Amy.

Liam and I are sharing one house

Niall and Harry are sharing one house..

I am Jealous of Niall...

As soon I as I rung the doorbell I suddenly remembered that I saw Harry talking to some cool looking red head. With these thoughts in my mind,when the door opened I blurted out "Who is the random girl with red hair" In front on Liam and became extremely red. He kinda giggled. Yes he Giggled. Didn't know that he had a girly side. He ushered me in and I kinda like giggly Liam. Wait what? I was met with a snogging Zir {Zayn + Mir}.

"Ewww!!! Guys the hell? Stop! Keep it PG-13." Liam exclaimed. Woah,didn't he and Danielle used to do that once a upon a time. What did I miss in such a short span of time. I put the pets down and pulled Liam in a bedroom. No naughty Business -.- We be good friends.

I closed the door behind me and sat next to Liam on the bed. He kinda like started fidgeting around. After a long awkward silence, Liam said something out of the blue which was unexpected.

"Louis.......I am Gay." And then he kisses me on the lips.

So yea,I got off my lazy ass updated. Sorry popcorns! ^~^

Stella is played by Sofia Wilhelmina.
I am actually too lazy to upload a picture. You can just search her up. :D
She is pretty!

So yea Liam be Gay. And he just kissed Tommo :3
So you think he likes Louis? O.o

Keep reading to find out ;O

Till next time

cause all of u are Fab :*

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