Chapter 12- {Part 2} Party Hospital Time

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Mir Pov

Waking up is one thing. But waking up in just a short dress when it is freezing that's another thing. When I realized that I was not in my own bed then I started to panic. Where am I? I hear footsteps approaching,the door opened to reveal Luke?

Amy Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed with a painful left leg. As every boxer,each one has their weak spot. Mine is my left lower leg. I look around my take in my surroundings which is not to bright. Dull pale off-white walls while I'm attached to many cords and im wearing this hideous gown which is showing of my bare back. I take a look at the waiting chair and saw Harry sleeping on it. Aww he looks so adorable. No Amy! Snap out of it. Do not get attached. Just finish the Deal and leave them.

I saw he was stirring in his sleep. He woke up with a start and saw me.awake he broke out a smile. Hopefully because of me. Again stop Amy! Don't get attached to him.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts. God... his voice is so sexy...No! I mentally slap myself. I'm so weird... I'm having a mental argument with myself.

"Hello?" Harry said,waving his hand infront of my face.

"Oh! Sorry I was in thought. However I am feeling good. I guess? What did they say about me?" I tell when the doctors come in.

"Aah Ms.Hudson. I see you are awake. I am your doctor, Mrs.Winters. And I know what is wrong with you." Mrs.Winters tells me.

Luke Pov

This freaking medicine should work. She should not remember us breaking up and me hooking up with Perrie. Perrie will go back as Mir to her Zayn and I will get back my Mir. She should have forgotten everything except me and her family. I go towards her room and when I opened the door I saw her awake.

"Luke? Oh God! Luke I missed you! It feels like days since we last met eh? But where are we? And I'm really homesick even though we're in London. Weird right?" Mir exclaims.

"Haha...Mir I got you to Bahamas for a trip remember? Ok forget that. Get ready for the party. All our friends have come." I replied.

"Uhh I don't have anything to wear or something..."

"You're wearing a very sexy dress and don't worry you like really hot in that bed-hair. Come here" I said kind of seductively while going towards the bed. I got on the bed and started kissing her slightly on the jawline going slowly towards the neck. Before I could do something...she put a hand on my chest and whispered in my ear very seductively...
"We will continue later...maybe after the party"

With that she got away from under me and ran outside the door.


Dun Dun Dun Daaa....

Omg..Mir lost her memory and what is wrong with Amy...

......lel no more goals. I just want people to read and i want to write xD

btw if there video on side its probably the trailer...*it sucks*


xxAm :)

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