Chapter 19 -

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Amy POV / Selena POV

I woke up to the face of my manager and few people with white lab coats with reports and also to the smell of medicines and such.

"Where am I?" I asked then realising that I am strapped to a bed and there's a giant THING WITH WIRES ATTACHED TO MY HEAD AND WITH THAT I START SCREAMING.

"What the hell?! GET THAT THING OFF OF ME! DUNCAN! Do something," I scream at my manager. He then gives "The look" to the doctor type of people. They quickly opened my straps and took that weird thing off my head.

"Do you remember anything,Selena?" They asked me.

"What? I have blurry images of the guys from One Direction? And a dark red haired girl called Stella. Ok! What's going on?" I asked. Not very happily.

"Well, we tried a experiment on you with that gadget that was on your head. It would take you anywhere WE would want you to go. So it's button accidentally got stuck on 'One Direction' and 'Random Girl'. We were trying to wake you up but the ended up giving many hardships. In hopes that you will wake up." The doctors said.

"So, you gave me romantic feelings, took away my brother, gave me a life threatening disease and separated me from my parents."

"Yes, that sums it up."

"No wonder you are called 'emotionaless'. You played with me. Not perform an experiment on me. You played with my feelings. I mean how COULD YOU? Did it even ever strike you once how would I feel when I woke up? You know what? Fuck you and your experiments. Duncan I need my phone and do not call me or follow me. I need some time alone," I said while flipping off the "doctors".

I ran out of the room to come to my own living room (Wow. They did the damn experiment in my own house).
I went to get my keys (Which I found thankfully), went to my garage and started my car which purred to life as I put the key into ignition. I drove out of the garage to somewhere who knows. Just driving along. I drove for about 2 hours until I reached "Sunset point". Well, it was time for sunset. I got out of my car, made my way to the ledge just to see one of the most prettiest things in the world. It's pinkish-orangish glow spread all around as it went down while I was thinking about how stupid it was to fall in love with Niall. As I turned around to go back, I bumped into someone making me fall down on my bum. The person said 'Sorry' in not an American accent. I opened my eyes to see it was Niall. He smiled at me and sighed in relief and I didn't die. I got up real quick and went to my car, said 'Sorry' to him, and drove off.

I just couldn't let him know that I still loved him. Even though that love wasn't known to him as Selena's. But actually Amy's.

Niall's Pov

What was wrong with Selena? I thought and shrugged it off. I called out to Harry who was in the car. He came out of the car and I pulled him to me and connected our lips as soon as the sun set.

The End.

Plot twist. XD

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