Chapter 10- I Love...Fudge Cakes!

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Is there a video to the side? If there is..its a crappy trailer by me xD See it though xD


Louis Pov

What the hell Is wrong with Amy? Did she forget our deal? I will talk to her later regarding that. But for now the snoopy Niall might catch on. Before I leave Amy's room I give Niall a suspicious look and leave while glaring at Amy. I must make Harry hate Amy and Niall heartbroken. Harry will feel used and will come to his bestfriend and cry. Then I will come to the rescue. But Niall is coming in the way. I must have him heartbroken. Quickly or else Amy will change her mind and break the fucking deal. While coming down the stairs I hear moaning from Liam's room. While smirking to myself I thought that he must be playing with himself. The room next to Liam is Harry's, I shall go there after seeing whats Liam doing I thought to myself. As I open the door to Liam's room...I wish I hadn't. Danielle with Liam...It is giving me did Danielle come? As I close Liam's door I heard him shouting there's something called knocking. Whatever. As I pass Harry's door, I hear sobbing. Good Amy, You did the 1st step. Reject Harry. As I am opening the door, I hear the annoying voice of the girl I was avoiding for so many days. Eleanor. Grr..what is she doing here? I thought she broke up with me.

"LOUISSSSS!!!" Eleanor screeched.

"What is it Eleanor?" I try to say as politely as possible but failed as I saw Eleanor frowning.

"Louis, I am sorry I broke up with you. Please take me back. Or Take Me Home like your album?" She says trying to fit in a joke. I should not take her back. I already have someone on my mind.

"No. Please leave. Now" I say while gritting my teeth.

"I know you don't love me anymore. But i need to know who you love. Please,then I will leave you...forever. I promise."

"Fine. I love...-"

"Fudge Cakes!!!!!" I hear someone scream. Someone is particularly Amy. What happened? I quickly run upstairs and see Niall on the floor with Amy on top of him and she's...scratching him? Ok this house is really weird. Wait..we are weird.

I ignored Eleanor and went towards the kitchen. Suddenly she spun me around and pressed her lips against me. They were not as how I remember it. They tasted salty and I felt kind of sick. I pushed her back and saw her crying full on.

"It's ok Louis. I maybe your 1st love but not your last. Thank you for an amazing time. I'll leave you now. I promise. Goodbye Louis and I respect your decision." Eleanor said before running out. I felt kind of guilty,but I can't help it that I'm Gay.

************{That evening}

We were all in the sitting room watching a chick flick. Niall and Amy with Zayn and Mir were on the big couch. Liam and Danielle were on the love seat. Harry and I were sitting on the floor,awfully close. I wasn't complaining though. It was very late and I saw Payzer and Zir snuggling and sleeping. Err...Namy were actually just sitting next to each other. I saw Amy caught me glaring at her and just shrugged her shoulders. Harry just fell asleep on my lap few minutes ago and I'm not moving from this position, I don't care if I am uncomfortable like this. I saw from the corner of my eye, Amy snuggling into Niall and him grinning to himself. Now my time to snuggle Into Harry as I think to my self before going to sleep.

********(Next Morning)

Liam Pov (Surprise xD)

I woke up snuggled into Danielle. I saw everybody snuggling. Wait...Louis and Harry? I have to ask Louis later. I unattach Danielle from myself and go to my room and get ready. As I check the time it's only 11am and as usual none of them have woken up before me. I go to the sitting room and see Amy nowhere. She must be getting ready.At least one who got up before afternoon. I was getting cooped up in the house. I remembered there was a garden at the back of the house with a shed also. I go towards it and regretted it immediately.


Short I guess. Sorry. If there is a trailer then see it. It is crappy of course.

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