Chapter 5- Letter

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I saw my entire childhood with Marc in a blur.I saw everything blur.My memories.His laughter.His stupidness.Just gone.Like that.Why?Why!? Why did you do this Marcus.And it hit me.Reality hit me.I started bawling my eyes out.I screamed and thrashed,but nothing helped.My only family left,gone.Like that.Whoosh.I screamed and screamed.I screamed when they took his body away.I started crying again.Someone hugged me and I don't remember who it was before blacking out.

***(This is time lapse)

When I came around,I remembered what happened and started crying again.But I remember seeing a letter on his bed.I crept to his room and took the letter away.As I started reading it,I noticed how much I had neglected him

Dear Amy,lads and my crush Mir,
I'm leaving for the better.I am not wanted  which is ok because I am used to this.Like always.Anyways,I am saying my goodbyes because I am bullied.I do not have a fucking normal life like any 14 yr should.Nope.I had to have fucking goddess like sister who was worshipped by everyone and everyone was jealous of me.I had one fucking friend my entire school time but last year she transferred to Mexico,leaving me alone in London Mid School.After she.left,i realized that she left because i was a loner.Nobody cared about me.Not even you Amy.Why? did I do something wrong to deserve this? Amy,I will always love you but when Mir,came to.the house 1st time,I fell for her.I started becoming more friendly with her.And.when I realized I had a chance,Zayn Fucking Malik came and destroyed every single fucking thing.But I still had a chance of hope in the game of truth and dare.But when I saw them almost fucking each other,I lost it.It took everything not to break every single bone of Zayn.But i realized,I.neevr had a fucking chance with Mir,she was interrested in bad boys and I am far away from that.But now i am bad,cause I am going.Goodbye cruel world,Amy,Mir,Lads and mum and dad.Though all they do is fight and make my life a fucking living hell.Oh and stay strong.Love you.Xxx


I am a horrible sister.How could i do that to Marc.I dont.deserve to live,but he said to be strong.And i will stay strong.

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