Cheer Up!

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(Y/N) was thoroughly and completely pissed off. Once her older sister's shock had worn off, she was right back at it - fighting with (Y/N), chastising her, trying to correct every little thing about her. Nessa had blown up, furious that (Y/N) had been eavesdropping on their conversation. Then she was furious because (Y/N) had told Steven that she never wanted to speak with Nessa again. Then she was furious because (Y/N) figured that it would've been better if she had died. Then she was furious because... well, (Y/N) couldn't really remember.

All she remembered was the flashes of red in her vision as the pain sparked up. She remembered gasping for air and blacking out. Nessa had panicked and held her sister until she woke up and the pain had passed.

That made (Y/N) even angrier - the fact that Nessa was pretending that she cared about her little half-sister. Why couldn't she be upfront about what she thought of (Y/N), like her mother?

(Y/N) knew that Nessa had been on the council that decided to...

She bit her lip as unbidden tears burned in her eyes. She didn't want to think of that. She didn't want to think of the loss of her abilities, her family, her freedom.

She had stormed from the room, much to Nessa's dismay, and walked all the way to Central Park, ignoring the chill that swept through her. She had been taken aback when her friend had followed her.

And now Leo was trying to cheer her up.

A bitter smile spread over (Y/N)'s face. Leo was so clueless and sweet. She didn't know why he had even bothered to come help her. He should know better.

Although... well, to be fair, she hadn't told him everything. Maybe he still thought that she could be redeemed. Maybe he thought that he could save her.

She wanted to scream at him, tell him that there was no point in trying to save her. She was too evil, that she was a horrible person that made horrible choices that had hurt so many other, innocent people.

But she didn't. She didn't tell him because she was scared. She was scared of losing her friend.

"(Y/N), could you please look at me? At least humor me and give me validation," Leo begged, a desperate undertone to his voice despite the lighthearted words. He was genuinely worried about her.

The sound of his voice practically forced her to look at her squinting friend. Worry filled his face.

She couldn't stand looking at his innocent concern. She looked away from him, her jaw clenching as she continued to hold back her tears.

"(Y/N)... please?" He sighed when he got no response. "Could you tell me just one little thing? Talking about it will help!"

(Y/N) turned and frowned at him. "Leo... no. I'm not going to do that."

He fell back against the tree dramatically, only to sit right back up, rubbing the back of his head, hissing in pain. She tried to hold back a giggle at the image. It seemed so out of place in all of the drama and seriousness of the past week.

Huffing out a breath of annoyance, Leo shook his head slightly. "Please. Just tell me."

The fact that he kept pressuring (Y/N) into telling him made the mirth slowly drain from her face. She gave him a glare that practically screamed 'It's none of your business! Leave me alone!'

He didn't take the hint.

"Does it have to do with that lady at headquarters?" he persisted.

She stiffened at the mention of her older sister. So Leo had seen her?

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