Goodbye :')

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I can't believe I'm typing this right now.

Here I am, a fifteen year old from Melbourne sitting in my room at 11:16 PM typing out my end note.

I've written 118 chapters and now have more then 80633 reads and 4533 votes. How insane is that?

Honestly, I started Adopted By A Rockstar just because I could. I didn't have any real motivation, I just decided one day to go out and write a shitty chapter and put it on the internet. At first it was only a couple of my IRL friends reading, but my audience grew and grew.

You guys are the reason it kept going, and I can't thank you enough for that. These books have given me something to do, a distraction if you will, and I've loved writing them.

I'm sad to leave Tanith Urie and Fin Wentz, but excited to see what happens from here. I hope at least a couple of you stick around to see what I come up with next :)

Right, onto the thank yous and all that jazz.

Firstly I have to thank one of my best friends in the world, Lexy2710. You literally drop everything to make sure I'm okay, and always offer hugs when I need them. I've known you for so long now, and we're both growing up, but I hope things never change. I love you to bits, and you're one of the only reasons this happened at all. You encouraged me when nobody else did, and I can't thank you enough. You're pretty much my big sister, and I couldn't live without you <333

lucythespirit, my musically talented friend. You're one of the most talented signers I know, and I'm so privileged to be in a band with you. You're an awesome, amazing person, and I don't know what would happen if we stopped talking. Thank you for helping me write and being my friend. <3

MLI0004, where to start. You read my books before you knew I was the writer, and then read them again when I told you. Literally the only reason I stay awake in Global Issues, too. I love talking to you and making references, and your probably my biggest fan. Thank you so fucking much for reading the shit I send you and just dealing with my shit in general. Love ya fren <3

Sinziee, my wife. One of the most active readers early on, you never gave up on me. I'm so glad we're friends Athena. I could literally talk to you for hours without getting bored, and I'm so glad I met you. Thank you for putting up with my shit all the way over in America.

And a huge, huge thank you to my sick as frick group chat on kik. GhostlySpaceobsess-and-depressPanic1474, kaleidoscope-memes and everyone else ( its late and I don't have you all on wattpad for some reason please dont hate meeeeeeee) for providing me with memes and your friendship. You guys are so awesome, and I love you all. Thank you. <33333

And finally, to anyone who bothered giving this series a read.

I know, it started off really, really bad, but I think it got better as I became a better writer. Soon I'm gonna go through every single comment and reflect. But I think I did pretty good, and I'm proud of this series as a whole.

I'm proud of this, and I'm proud of every one of you for living and hanging on.

Thanks, guys. For everything.

-Saffron <3

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