over you almost not

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Jimin can't believe his ears.

"I mean, I like it. You look really cute." He continues and touches a pink strain that's out of place. Jimin just stood there, in front of a much taller, handsomer and more mature Kim Taehyung than the one he had known. Than the one he had loved.
The tall boy chuckles and tilts his head to get a closer look at Jimin.

"You look just like I remember you." He says and somehow, without reason, Jimin's cheeks flush red. He looks down and starts playing with his shirtsleeve. He glances up and sees Yoongi standing a few metres behind Taehyung. Yoongi wrinkles his eyebrows and points at Taehyung. Jimin swallows and meets the other's eyes.

"So you kept your promise, I can tell." He says dryly and immediately regrets his choice of words. Taehyung clears his throat and laughs a little.
Jimin used to love that laugh, that shy, insecure laugh. Now on the other hand, it makes him mad. Very mad. Taehyung just looks at him, like the past four years never happened.

"Why did you just leave me?" Jimin wants to scream, but it comes out as a whisper whilst his eyes starts to water. He blinks rapidly. Taehyung's expression softens a little and, for a second, Jimin sees regret reflect in his eyes.

"I wasn't happy in Seoul, you knew that. I had to leave." Taehyung says in an attempt to defend himself.

"Oh really?" Jimin says, louder now. The anger has reached his mouth. "Seoul made you so miserable that you had to leave me? No, that you had to kiss me first, then leave me. I.. Taehyung, you were my best friend, okay? And you left me."

"Jimin.." Taehyung says and looks kind of shocked. "You never called me 'Taehyung'."

"I never called you Taehyung." Jimin corrects him. "You're not Tae to me anymore. I'm over you long ago."
Jimin's voice betrays him at the last two words and he uses his shirtsleeve to dry his cheeks, they're all wet now. Perfect, he thinks.

"Jimin, you're not over me." Taehyung says with a voice as soft as honey and crosses his arms over his chest. A little smile takes form on his lips. "You're wearing my hoodie."

Jimin looks down and realises that it's true. He is wearing the same gray hoodie that Taehyung left on his floor four years ago. Taehyung looks very amused. Jimin tries to say something, but nothing comes out but air.

"Excuse me?"

The voice comes from behind Taehyung and the tall boy turns around. Jimin recognise that voice.

"You're Taeyang?" The voice says.

"Taehyung." Taehyung says and sounds very confused. "Who are you?"

"I'm Min Yoongi, very unpleasant to meet you. I just wanted to say that what you did to my friend here was a dick move, alright? Leaving him like that with nothing but a fucking stupid cloud quote? Idiot." Yoongi says and spits at his feet. "You coming, Jim?"

Taehyung turns around again, facing Jimin and he looks very upset and confused at the same time. Jimin smiles. "Coming." He says and leaves Taehyung standing with an open moth matching his open eyes.

"Thanks Yoongs." Jimin says and Yoongi wraps an arm around him as an answer.


Sure, it felt nice to confront Taehyung like that. But Jimin can't get over the fact that he felt something when he saw him. Something he haven't felt in a very long time,


also my face hurts idk why send help

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