on our way

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Yoongi's POV

"Do you think they'll come?" I hear Hoseok ask behind me. Honestly, I'm not sure.

I realize that what I did to Jimin was a dick move, believe me, I do. I almost kinda lost him, you know?

"Of course they will." I say dryly behind my mask.

The airport hall is cold and the echo of suitcases being rolled over the floor along with people's voices enters my already troubled mind like a drill. I look around myself nervously.

"Okay, so we have to board in exactly 44 minutes now." Namjoon says and turns to me, waving the two last minute tickets I bought. I nod and he rolls his eyes.

"You know I told you that this whole thing was a bad idea from the start." He says with a sigh and picks up his phone.

"I know, alright?!" I answer him sharply and he puts his hands up like he's a victim.

"Hey." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I excitingly turn around. I'm met by a smiling Jungkook. My expression fades away and he tilts his head.

"Are you alright?" He says and I pull down my mask.

"Yeah, I just.. I just really thought that they'd come you know.

"Would all passengers travelling to Seoul on flight FR3421 please have your boarding passes and passports ready for boarding. Flight FR3421 now boarding at gate 21."

"Shit." I whisper and look around for maybe a pink head in the crowd

Jimin's POV

"Shit!" I scream and take Taehyung's hand. "Come on!"

We start to run through the long corridor at the airport. A million thoughts are rushing through my head. I'm now going to see Yoongi again. Will it be awkward? Will everything be just fine? I smile.

Of course it'll be just fine. It's Yoongi. It's my best friend, for gods sake.

"Are you tagging along?" I say with a laughter and turn around to lock eyes with Taehyung. He's smiling widely and he nods. I make a thumbs up and turn around to focus on where I'm running again.

We hear the boarding announcement voice loudly through the speakers, just as we pass a sign which says that it's five minutes left until we reach gate 21.

"This is the final boarding call for passengers flying to Seoul on flight FR3421. Your flight is ready to leave. Please go to gate 21 immediately. The doors of the plane will close in five minutes."

I increase my speed and now we're basically flying through the cold airport. Taehyung's laughter behind me immediately puts a smile on my face.

Yoongi's POV

"These little ungrateful fuckers." I mumble as I give the lady at the gate my boarding pass.

"Pardon?" She says and looks up at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's nothing." I say and put on a believable enough smile. She hands me back my pass and I look over my shoulder one last time. No one.

Just as I'm about to go though the gate, I hear a muffled scream. My name. My name? I turn around quickly and see Jimin coming there, running for his life, with Taehyung after him.

"I'm sorry, can we wait a little?" I say to the lady and she looks at her wristwatch and holds up two fingers.

"Yoongi!" Jimin screams again and suddenly he is in my arms, breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry for everything!"

"I'm glad you made it." I say and squeeze the pink haired ball of fluff. He looks up at me with a smile.

"I'm sorry sir, but the plane is ready to leave in one minute." The boarding lady says behind me. "Are these gentlemen also flying?"

"Uh, yeah, right." I say and give her their tickets and the boys hand her their passports and boarding passes.

"Have a nice flight!" He shouts after us as we start to run through the gate and onto the plane.


"Thank you Yoongi." Jimin whispers when all of us are seated. I give him a smile and nod.

"I'm sorry." I say and I see him grabbing Taehyung's hand.

"Don't be." He says and we feel the plane starting to roll.


UPDATEEEEE!!!! I might update later as well, we'll see <33 If I don't, I hope that you all are great and healthy, and I'll see you all tomorrow!!!

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