grape or apple

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The car door closes with a silent click. Jimin starts to feel some kind of excitement take form in his stomach. He clears his throat and looks over at Taehyung. He is starting the GPS on his phone and looks very concentrated. His face is lightly wrinkled and he is biting his lower lip.

"Fasten your seatbelt."

Jimin gets snatched out of his trans and nods quietly. He does as Taehyung says and takes a deep breath. This is so weird. He looks back over at the boy in the drivers seat. Jimin is met with a smile and he can feel his cheeks take on a red colour. Stop Jimin, you're supposed to hate him. Get your shit together!!!!!

"Okay, are you ready?" Taehyung interrupts Jimin's thoughts and laughs a little at Jimin's surprised expression.

"Yes. Uhm, I mean, whatever." Jimin answers and tries to put on an expressionless face. He wants to hate this so bad, but actually, he is very curious what this is going to turn out to be.
Taehyung nods and starts the car.

They slowly roll down the still loud and crowded street. The silence in the car hangs over them like a cloud and Jimin starts to feel the awkwardness crawling underneath his skin. He cringes the entire situation so hard at this point.

"Hey, uhm, Taehyung?" He asks and he can see that Taehyung relaxes a little. He turns his head towards Jimin as an answer. "Is it okay if I turn on the radio?" Taehyung smiles.

"Yeah sure!" He answers and Jimin presses the button on the car radio.


The song bursts out of the speakers and Jimin all of a sudden gets very hyped up. He knows that he won't be able to control himself. Without him even noticing, his arms starts to do some weird kind of dance along with the beat and the lyrics starts to pour out of his mouth.

"Do you seriously like this song?" Taehyung nearly has to scream for Jimin to hear him over the music. Jimin stops his dance and look at the other boy like he is a ghost.

"Wait, you don't like this song?" He asks with his mouth wide open. Taehyung shakes his head and his eyes goes back on the road.

"Nope" he says while smiling teasingly. "It's extremely pathetic and the lyrics makes me want to throw up." He glances over at Jimin, who's looking actually shocked.

"You must be sick or something." He says and turns up the volume. His dance continues and he can hear Taehyung laugh and sigh extra loud in the background.

"DESPACITO, THIS IS HOW WE DO IT DOWN IN PUERTO RICO" Jimin screams out and Taehyung nearly drives off the road because he is laughing so hard.

At this point, Jimin has almost forgotten the past four years and that he hates Taehyung. He feels as if they're both 18 again and everything is like it's supposed to be. And it feels great.

"DE SPA CITO" Jimin sings the last line of the song and falls back in the seat. He wipes the sweat off of his forehead and sighs in exhaustion.

"Damn Jimin, that was the most hyped up performance I've never witnessed." Taehyung says and dries his tears of laughter.

"You've ain't seen nothing yet, Tae." Jimin laughs and looks over and Taehyung. But he doesn't smile back. He looks.... Surprised and sad. It becomes clear to Jimin.

"I mean, Taehyung of course." What have I done? Everything just.. Faded out and I just..

"We're here." Taehyung says and drives in on a small parking lot in front of a big building. A small and excited smile starts to take form on his lips and he stops the car. Jimin looks at him, very confused.

"Taehyung, what are we doing at the Museum of Natural History?"

"Oh, you'll see." Taehyung says and winks at Jimin before getting out of the car. Jimin raises his eyebrows and copies Taehyung's action. Taehyung is almost already at the top of the stairs and waves for Jimin to follow him.

This is so weird.

All though Jimin doesn't understand literally anything, he starts jogging up the stairs after Taehyung.

"Hey, how are we even going to get in there?" Jimin breathes heavily as he reaches the top of the stairs. Taehyung smirks and pulls out a card from his back pocket. It says:

Kim Tae Hyung
Staff Entering Card

"Staff? But I- What?"

"One can not live off being a stripper, my friend." Taehyung says and holds up the card in front of a black detector. A green light appears and a loud click can be heard from the door. Taehyung pulls the handle and signs for Jimin to follow him inside.

Inside the museum, it's dark and silent. It's actually kind of scary. Jimin tries to stay as close to Taehyung as possible, without him noticing. But, of course Taehyung notices.

"I'm going to grab your hand now." He whispers and lets his long fingers devour Jimin's small ones. Jimin can only nod and the warmth of Taehyung's hand fills his entire body.

"So," Jimin says with an unstable voice. "where exactly are we going?"

Taehyung doesn't answer, he just puts his index finger to his lips and continues to drag Jimin along the great halls. They finally stop outside of a small door. 'Space Show Hall.'

No way. No way in hell.

"Taehyung.." Jimin says with tears starting to well up in his eyes. Taehyung opens the door and smiles widely at Jimin.

jimin's flashback; 6 years ago in taehyung's room

"Yes yes yes, here's my favourite scene!" I said, clapping my hands and jumping up and down sitting in the bed. On the TV screen in front of us, Ross Geller is asking Rachel Green which flavour of juice she wants. They're lying on a picnic blanket under a fake sky of stars.
"Ah, I love this part so much!!" I screamed and grabbed Taehyung's hand with my left, and placed my right one on my chest. Taehyung rolled his eyes at me.
"This is what I want my first date to be like!" I continued fanboying.
"You know that's going to like never happen right?" Taehyung said and changed post in the bed to lying with his head in my lap. I sighed.
"I know."


Taehyung points a hand and the stairs and Jimin nervously takes a step. I can't believe he remembered. He slowly walks up the stairs and he hears Taehyung right behind him. When he reaches the top, a tear slips through his left eye.

Up on the small stage, a purple picnic blanket is lying and the big roof screen is showing a million stars. Jimin turns around to be met by a happy Taehyung. He reaches out his hand and wipes away the little teardrop on Jimin's cheek. Then he takes his hand and starts walking towards the blanket. Jimin follows, with a smile glued to his face. He is still in shock and he truly can't believe.

Taehyung sits down on the blanket and Jimin follows. Another tear falls from his eye and all the hatred towards Taehyung is like it's gone. Jimin watches him as he pulls something out of the small bag he brought.

"Grape or apple?" He asks proudly and holds up two packages of juice. Jimin loses it. The tears starts to fall and the same thing happens to Taehyung.

"I'm so sorry Jimin. I love you." He sobs and Jimin nods, laughs of true happiness through his tears before putting his lips against Taehyung's.


sorry for a long ass chapter, but it was kind of worth it right? ;)

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