marlboro please

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"Aish, this is freaking me out!" Jimin says quietly as he tries to choose what to buy. He can't decide between chocolate or strawberry milk, this happens to him every time. He wipes the sweat off his forehead. It's hot today, and especially in the little convenience store, which is so small it only accommodates three people. Including the pay desk guy. Jimin rubs his eyebrow and tries to concentrate on his decision.

He doesn't cares to mid when the store door opens and the little bell rings. He stretches out for the strawberry milk, and just as he puts his hand on it, he freezes.

"One pack of Marlboro, please."

Jimin knows that voice. He turns around quicker then he intended and sees, indeed, a very familiar back of a head. It's dressed with that black pierced cap he pierced himself. Jimin wrinkled his eyebrows in frustration and grabs his milk to go stand in line. He silently glides in behind Taehyung and almost holds his breath underneath his white mask.

"Thank you, sir." Taehyung says with, in Jimin's newly concluded opinion, his too dark voice. He turns around to leave the store and almost jumps in surprise at Jimin's appearance. Jimin catches his eye for a few seconds, Taehyung smiles, and he looks away.

"You're in my way." Jimin says and pushes his way to the pay desk. He hears Taehyung laugh and say "sorry" silently before leaving the store. It twinges inside of Jimin for a second, without knowing why.

"That's $4.55." The extremely bored looking guy behind the register says and yawns. Jimin nods and puts a five dollar bill on the desk.

"Keep the change." He says and takes the pink box of milk and walks towards the door. He stops before going out to open the small box and throws away the lid.

Outside the sun meets Jimin's face with joy. He takes a sip of the sweet drink and glances up at the sun. He is not going to let Taehyung ruin his so far good day. Or so he thought.

"Why are you wearing long sleeves, it's 75 degrees for gods sake." He hears from his left. Shortly after that he smells smoke being blowed out, and he coughs excessively.

"And you're still smoking, I can tell?" Jimin responds salty and tries to wave away smoke that doesn't exist in front of him, just to annoy the other boy.

"Well." Taehyung says and shrugs while putting the cigarette to his lips again. Jimin shakes his head and takes another sip of his milk. He looks over at Taehyung, who is wearing a black t-shirt along with a pair of black ripped jeans. His red sneakers are the only item that adds some kind of colour to the outfit. Suddenly he throws his cigarette on the ground and stomps on it. He takes off his cap to fix his hair. Jimin's eyes expands .

Taehyung looks over at him and smirks. Jimin wants to turn away his head, Bute he can't take his eyes off him. Damn, he looks good like that, he thinks without any shame.

"You like it?" Taehyung asks while running his hand through the red flow and putting his cap back on. Jimin gets snatched back into reality.

"What? Oh you're hair? It's ok. I guess." He says, swallows air nervously and takes a small sip of the milk. He can feel Taehyung's proud gaze on the side of his face. He has to really try hard to not let his eyes get drawn back to him.

"Hey, Chim." Taehyung says and walks over to stand closer to Jimin. Jimin doesn't answer, he just nods slightly and lowers his milk from his mouth. "I'm so sorry. I can't.. I don't have any excuse for leaving you like that. I just, I don't know. I'm really sorry."

Jimin allows himself to look at him. Taehyung's eyes actually look honest. He nods and looks down on his white Vans. The tears are starting to build up in his eyes. Again. Goddamn it.

"Hey." Taehyung says with a voice as soft as honey and puts two fingers underneath Jimin's chin. Jimin feels his face flush red when Taehyung lifts it up to meet his eyes. A very small tears falls from the corner of Jimin's left eye. Taehyung strikes away with his big thumb and smiles a little. Jimin doesn't move a muscle, he just looks into his eyes.

"I can't forgive you." He finally succeeds to say, but his voice is shakes violently and another tear is on the way. Taehyung nods and without a warning he pulls Jimin into a tight hug. Strangely, it causes Jimin to relax completely and the tears silently come flowing.

"I miss you." He says into Taehyung's chest, which is all wet now of Jimin's tears.

"I miss you too." The taller boy whispers and Jimin feels a tear land on his head.


"Ah finally." Jimin hears Jin exclaim when he enters the apartment with a strange feeling filling his body. He can smell fresh made kimchi from the kitchen and kicks off his shoes.

"I'll be there in a sec!" Jimin says and runs into his room to change shirt. He picks a pink t-shirt with the text "somebody to love" and two hands doing finger hearts on. After watching himself in the mirror and fixing his hair a little, he picks up his phone. He has gotten a new notification.

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Stop smiling idiot.


updateeeeeeeee weyyyyyy
sorry if this is awful, but i'm very tired and kind of sick so ~

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